[27] For Zee ~ Ben Simmons

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A/N: Now, if you know me, you will know I cannot and I mean cannot stand this man, but however I'll write about him for Zee... almost two months later than promised 🙃 anyways.

For those2misfits

"Why is Simmons in his locker, lowkey freaking out?" Tobias Harris questioned to Joel with an amused look. Joel looked across the room at his teammate and started to laugh.

"Last minute flowers isn't going to work again bro." Joel yelled, earning a glare from Ben.

"Shut up. That's not what I'm looking for." He huffed before typing away on his phone. Harris and Embiid watched each other and laughed before turning back to Ben.

"Why are you typing so aggressively bro?" Harris asked.

"I'm making sure everything is good for tonight. It's Zee's birthday." He replied, not once looking up at them.

"Ahhh the girlfriend." Tobias said before letting out a low whistle. "Don't messed this up because I can see she is a little crazy."

"Understatement." Joel mumbled before getting up from his seat. Ben gave him a quick side eye before sucking his teeth.

"Anyways, yes tonight has to be perfect." He said as he got up himself. "Tonight is going to be perfect."

"Tonight is going to be fucking disastrous!" Ben yelled into the phone as he paced around his living room.

"Calm down." Joel chuckled at his teammate. "What went wrong?"

"Everything bro, everything. I called the restaurant to double check the reservations and they said it was canceled and when I offered to drop stacks, I mean stacks to do a last minute one they said no. Don't they know who I am." He said with a scoff.

"You're this big headed dude from Australia. Is that something special?" Joel asked with a chuckled. Ben sucked his teeth and rolled his eyes.

"You're not helping fam."

"Okay, just romantify the house, get some wine, her favorite food and bam."

"Okay but how do you romantify... wait that's not even a real word. Man." He sighed as he slumped into the couch.

"Look man, she is about to be home any minute so, you better get your ass up and that that good sis some chicken tenders and -"

"Ah shit, babe happy birthday." Ben said as he cut off Joel, getting off of the couch to meet Zee by the front door.

"Ooop. Bye." Joel quickly said before hanging up the phone.

"Thanks baby." Zee said as she hugged her boyfriend. "You look stressed." Ben let out a deep sigh as he rocked them back and forth.

"I had so much things planned for you tonight but things just got messed up and now there is nothing planned and I'm a bad boyfriend."

"Oh shut up. It doesn't matter. Once I'm with you and you got that bracelet I wanted it's all fine." She said as she pecked his lips. Ben let out a small laugh as he nodded his head.

"Bet let's get some chicken tenders."

Something short and sweet.

Request page coming up next

One Love
Kam 🖤

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