[28] Bluff

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Tyler James Williams as Jonathan

Tyler James Williams as  Jonathan

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Sierra McClain as {your name}

 "Stop making it tough, why you keep teasing me

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"Stop making it tough, why you keep teasing me."
Bluff, Kenyo Baly

"Laying down on the beach, sipping on some beers, taking in this good Caribbean sun. All chilling with my boys. What can really make this day better?" Chris said as he allowed his dreadlocks sprawl against one of the beach chairs he and his friends rented for the day. The group of friends decided to spend a summer Saturday on Frias' Bay beach on French Saint Martin, soaking in the sun and relaxing from the taxing week they had.

"You not trying to be sentimental." Jonathan mumbled, which made their other two friends Isaiah and Patrick chuckle. Chris sucked his teeth before flipping Jonathan off.

"Whatever you say, I'm just going to stare at Anguilla in the distance and ignore your presence." He mumbled as he pulled down his shades.

"Are you going to try to find the love of your life as well? Because if I remember correctly, she does not want you." Patrick added with a raised brow.

"That's what you think little Patty," he paused to point to his friend, "but she fucks with the kid. The ladies love me." 

"I mean the WhatsApp and the IMessage messages say otherwise but, I digress." Isaiah added, making Jonathan laugh.

"Leave C alone man." He chuckled. "He will get his girl eventually."

"Speaking about girl, isn't that the sweet thing you've been trying to talk to since, the Lord himself only knows when?" Patrick asked as he nodded his head to two girls who were walking down the beach. Jonathan quickly turned his head to the taller, dark skin one, with her hair up in one.

"Yeah {your name}. But she has steadily been playing games man." Jonathan said as he shook his head.

"Playing games how? And is her friend single?" Chris asked.

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