[24] Blaze In Love ~ Brandon Ingram

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2 months later

"Stoop it." {your name} giggled as she ran around the living room of Brandon's apartment.

"Nuh uh shordy, you took my last wing. You need to square up now." He replied with a serious tone, but a smirk on his face.

"You said I could have it though." {your name} paused in her running and pouted at him. She made sure to bat her eyelashes to enhance her innocence.

"I said that when I first opened the container and you were like "oh babe I'm not hungry." He said he mocked her voice. "So square up fam." He stated again as he pulled up his pants and went into a boxers form.

"Yeah?" {your name} stated as she cranked her head to the side. "Bet" she said as she mocked his position. The couple moved around the room, watching each other with fake serious expressions, as if they were waiting for the first swing.

"You guys look like you're a part of a bad sitcom." They heard Alicia's voice said. The couple pause and turn to see {your name}'s best friend walking into the living room.

"Bitch, what are you doing here?" She asked with a confused look.

"Josh let me in." Alicia shrugged as she sat on one of the couches. Brandon rolled his eyes as his teammate strolled into the living room.

"Wassap kids." Josh said with a big grin on his face.

"I'm tired of you." Brandon mumbled before going back to his kitchen.

Valentine's Day

"Babe hurry up." {your name} yelled as she stood outside of his car jumping up and down. Brandon watched her with an amused look as he watched up from his phone.

"I'm coming, I'm just talking to my trainer." He said with a chuckle before he continued texting. {your name} rolled her eyes and let out a huff as she stomped to the driver's side and open his door.

"He can wait baaabe, it's valentine's day." She whined as she tugged on his arm. He laughed at her child-like behavior as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to sit on his lap sideways.

"You just want to see what I got for you huh?" He whispered as he rested his face in the crook of her neck.

"Mhhhm." She hummed. "And I want dick too." Brandon gasped at her statement and lightly pushed her off, which made {your name} laugh.

"That's all I am to you? Dick?" He said in a hurt tone as he got out and locked the car. {your name} continued to laugh as she wrapped herself around his body.

"No suggah, I think you are dick and more." She said with a chuckle. Brandon side eyed her before giving her a smirk.

"Come on, let's go feed this fat ass." He said before smacking her butt. Being the foolish person {your name} was, she started to twerk, which made him laugh and reminded him why he loved her so much.

Sometime in June....

"Brandooon." She moaned out as he tightened his grip around her thighs. Brandon had her up in the air as they stood in the middle of the bedroom, moving their festivities from his bedroom to the bed.

"Ooou right there." {your name} dug her nails into his tatted arm as he continue to hit her spot. Slapping sounds filled the room alongside their moans, as Brandon attacked his lips to her neck. He slowly laid her body down on his California King Bed and removed himself from her.

"Baaaaaeeee." She whined at the lost of her third leg inside of her. Brandon chuckled at her pouted face as he lifted her legs up in the air and pushed them back to her head.

"Ouuuu this is what we doing."

"Yes, yes we are." He laughed again as he slowly slide back in her wet pussy. The couple groaned at the friction, as he moved his body at the same pace he was at before.

"I fucking love you." {your name} cried out as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I love you too {your Name}." He responded as he pressed his lips against hers.

Late July..

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Alicia screamed as she ran around Brandon's living room.

"Can you calm down." {your name} yelled at her best friend with a chuckle.

"Nope I can't because you are having a babyyyyy." She sang. {your name} shook her head in disbelief as she continued to sing around. Brandon, Josh and Kyle all walked out of the kitchen with confused looks on their faces as Alicia continue to sing.

"Who pregnant?" Kyle asked as he sipped on his red wine.

"{YOUR NAME}" Alicia said with jazz hands. All of a sudden a thud echoed through the room and everyone realized that Brandon was on the floor.

"This nigga went and fainted.."


"And yeah, that's your parents love story." Josh said with a shrug as he sat next to {your name}'s and Brandon's twin son and daughter.

"Love story? Josh what are you telling my kids now?" {your Name} asked as she walked into her son, Kiran's room.

"Nothing man sis."

"Ma, he said pops fainted when aunty Lici said you were pregnant with us." Kiran said with an amused look.

"I did not. Josh get yo ass out of my house and stop telling Kiran and Briana shit." Brandon yelled from the down the hallway. {your name} shook her head with a smile as she looked at her children.

"He totally did." She whispered as  the four of them started to laugh.

"Aight. Y'all want to laugh. No fried chicken tonight." Brandon yelled before closing his door.

Meh? This was lol.

What do you guys think? 

And I know I know I said this was going to come out on Valentine's Day and it's like March but 🤦🏾‍♀️ my life is just a mess LOL.

It truly is. But you guys can fight me about it lol.

Uh.... questions
What do you guys want to see next?

Should I try to revamp and continue the DIGGY series?

Let I and I know.

Love y'all 🖤

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