[5] Captured ~ Stephen Curry

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Stephen Curry
Request JustifiedMyThug
Inspired by 90samourdaay

Captured Stephen Curry Request JustifiedMyThugInspired by 90samourdaay

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•the state of being obsessed with someone or something
•an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind.

July 2017.

"Curry, my office now." The Assistant Director in Charge of the Criminal Investigation Division of the FBI said as he called up the slim light man.

"What's up." Stephen, who was head agent of the Criminal Enterprise Branch, a sub division of the CID.

"There is a case I need you and two of your staff here in D.C. to go to the field office in New York to check out." The Director said as he handed Stephen the top secrete file. Stephen watched his boss with a raised brow as he quickly scanned through it.

"Another stretch of bank robberies, this time on the east coast?" Stephen asked with a slight chuckle.

"Yup, this time whoever the person is has robbed JPMorgan Chase and got over a million dollars in cash. Whoever this person is, is extremely smart because they avoided all the packs that had the special ink in them." The Director said as he let out a small sigh. Stephen allowed a small smile to grace his face, making the director watch him with a confused look.

"You said this same person robbed the last four major banks on the east coast right? Same way they did it in the mid west?"

"Yeah, it looks like it's the same, but there isn't any proper camera footage to identify the person or how they even got in."

"Send me two members from the Cyber division. I already know who it is boss and I can't wait to find her ass." Stephen said as he got up from his seat.

"Who is she?"

"Maranda Bryant.. or as the streets know her as, GINA."

December 2017

"It's been five months Curry and every time we feel we get close, she is five steps ahead of us." One of the cyber Agents, Julian said out of frustration as he leaned back into his chair. Steph let out a small groan as he rubbed his temples. Never in his career at the FBI did he take so long to figure out a case.

"I know, it's like she fell off the grid once more. I contacted the M15 to see what surveillance they got from her in the UK or in Europe in general since they're was a similar robbery but no matches." The other agent, Sandra said as she walked into the office.

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