[6] Communicate ~ Jacob Latimore

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Featuring Jacob Latimore

"I personally find that you guys should sit down and address your feelings for one another. You guys honestly have the entire group of friends stressed." Trevor ranted to his good friend Jacob.

"Man. It isn't that easy. I just can't find the right words to say and when I do, I always get cold feet when it's time to bring it up." Jacob said as he took a sip of his water. Trevor let out a small hum as he continued to drive through the streets of LA.

"You know, that personally doesn't make any sense to me, because you're still attracting all these hoes and bringing them to places that you know she is going to be." He said with a simple shrug.

"Man you know there isn't much being said but hey my name is Jacob Latimore." He said with a sigh. "Once they recognize that I'm on the tv screen and making music they on my dick one time."

"And you entertain them." Trevor replied with a laugh. "Look you are my bro and all but I'm tired of seeing {your name} unhappy because the both of you guys do not know how to communicate."

"What do you mean by she isn't happy? I swore she was smiling with ole dude on Instagram the other day." Jacob said as he rolled his eyes. Trevor let out a mother laugh as he shook his head.

"Man fool. She is just stringing that nigga along because your dumb ass out here with these hoes. She is hurt that you didn't confess your love to her from the jump." He said with a shrug.

"I already curse her ass and said communication works both ways but you know how stubborn women can get."

"Damn fucking right." He said with a sigh as he noticed one of the girls that he messed with a couple weeks ago was hitting up his phone, again.

"They also don't know when no is fucking no." He said frustratedly as he blocked the number.

"Remember the tv and the music? Yeah fam they want the money and the clout that comes from that." He said with a chuckle. "They want that famous Jacob but our home girl only cares about that big headed, monkey ear boy from Milwaukee."

"One you disrespectful as fuck with your fousy breath." He said as he gave his friend a side eye and two, you're right."

"About having monkey ears? Yeah I know." He said with a laugh as Jacob sucked his teeth.

"Man shut the fuck up nigga." He said with a laugh. "Out here on the fucking movie screen with a perm headass."

"But you loved the movie though so try again." He said as he made a turn into an apartment complex.

"This ain't my house." Jacob said with a serious tone.

"I know, this is {your name}'s and don't you start acting the fool, you better go in there and talk to that girl." He said as he pointed to his friend. Jacob let out a deep sigh as he wiped his hand over his face.

"You know I don't know what I want to say."

"Then fucking it sing it. You write songs fool, improvise and sing and bam." He said as he parked. "Now get out of my car and text me if I need to leave because I ain't sitting here all damn day."

"Thanks for the motivation." He said plainly as he opened the door to get out. He quickly closed the door and ran into the building and then to the elevator. On the ride up to her floor, he practiced different ways on how he would communicate his feelings towards her.

"So hey {your name} I just want to tell you that for the, Nah that sounds dumb as hell." He mumbled to himself as he walked towards her apartment. He gently knocked on the door twice and put his hands in his pocket as he rocked nervously.

{your name} opened the door and smiled at her friend.

"Hey Jacob what brings you here? Is Trev with you?" She asked as she looked around behind of him. At that moment Jacob panicked but remembered that he had to do this now. He quickly cleared his throat and started to sing.

"I'm really in love with you and I've been trying to express this. I know I fucked up but hear me quickly. I really know why, why I want you. Your smile your heart, just makes me love you. I'm really in love with you, and girl you drive me crazy-"

"Jacob." {your name} stopped him as he sang in the tune of Rihanna's James Joint. His breathing got quicker as he watched her deep brown orbs waiting for an answer.

"Yeah my pitch was kind of off." He said with a nervous chuckle as he tried to lighten up the atmosphere. {your name} let out a deep breath as she gave him a small smile.

"I'm sorry Jacob but I can't be with you." She said as she watched his face fill with hurt and it almost made her give in to his sweet confession. However, she promised herself that she wouldn't crawl to him after the many times he has hurt her.

"Yeah, Umm. It's understandable. It was kind of out of the way to express this type of feelings to you especially when you're in a relationship," He said as he scratched the back of his head.

"Yeah." She said with a deep sigh. "Have a good day J." She said before closing the door. Jacob watched the door as tears trickled down his face. He slowly made his way back to the car as he mentally cursed himself for waiting too long.

As he sat in the passenger seat, Trevor noticed that his friend was down. Before he could ask what happened, Jacob answered all his queries with a simple sentence.

"I waited too fuckin long man, she is over my ass."

Oh what is this? An update on this book?
Why y'all made Jacob cry? My poor baby.

Let's talk a bit?:

So I'm trying to get this book up and running with some imagines for you guys. I've been trying to hard to write a sexual one but I rusty 😭, so here is one of me just being in my feelings.

Like I said before this imagine book is dedicated to everybody. So anyone who you want to see or who I feel like writing about can be featured here.

Remember that when I ask for suggestions lol.

Make sure to comment and vote and all that Jazz. Also check out my rant book Parlé in a bit, I have some questions to ask and I don't want to plague it here lol.

I think that's all for now.

One Love
Kam 🖤

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