[19] Back Seat ~ Jayson Tatum

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Back Seat [1]
Featuring Jayson Tatum
Inspired by: Back Seat - ExodusHD

"The look that Tatum is giving that young woman across the club is one of the main reasons why coach doesn't like us going clubbing in Miami." Jaylen said as he and Kyrie chuckled. The Boston Celtics just finished beating the Miami Heat and having an extra day in the South Florida city, a group of team decided to hit South Beach to celebrate their win.

"Damn right, he is going to end up with another child if he doesn't relax." Kyrie commented before sipping on his alcoholic beverage. Jayson sucked his teeth at his teammates as he relaxed into the couch in the VIP.

"Man, y'all don't even know what's happening right now." He said with a deep sigh before typing quickly on the phone. Jaylen and Kyrie watched each other with raised brows before turning back to the second year player.

"Clear to explain to us young man?" Jaylen said, making them laugh.

"It is. Complicated."

"Oh you know the young woman?" Kyrie said as he crossed his legs, sipping on his drink. "This just made the night even more interesting."

"Aye man, these hoes out here wilding tonight. Y'all need to cop one for the night because yes." A drunk Terry went on as he came into VIP with two girls on his side. The three teammates watched him with amused looks before laughing.

"Nah, light bright over here fell in love with a shawty across the floor but he isn't going to shoot his shot." Kyrie teased, making Jayson roll his eyes.

"Damn, JT. You got the fucking sauce man. The fucking drip. Go out and get your girl. You are Jayson fucking Tatum." Terry hyped him up before going to another couch with girls, ordering another round of liquor.

"We should stop giving him alcohol." Jaylen mumbled as the rest of them nodded in agreement.

"Wait, isn't that the girl you've staring at walking in this direction? Oh she bold." Kyrie said as he leaned forward in his seat, ready for what was about to transpire.

"What if Morris or Smart called her over from their side? You know they like to that rich corny shit to send guards to get girls to come into VIP to talk." Jaylen stated as he put quotations while he said talk.

"No the fuck they did not." Jayson aggressively said, making Jaylen and Kyrie watch him with a shocked look.

"The aggression." Kyrie mumbled as he drank more of the contents that was in the cup.

"Mr. Tatum, there is a {your name} who wants to speak you." One of the guards who were in charge of VIP stated to him. Jayson let out a loud sigh as he licked his lips.

"Bring her in." He simply said. The guarded nodded his way and went back to the direction  he came from.

"Shit, I need more liquor for this." Jaylen mumbled as he poured some of the Green Apple Ciroc in his cup.

"Same bro. Same." Kyrie said, fixing more of his beverage.

"I can't fucking stand you guys." Jayson said with a chuckle as he nervously smooth out the black tee he had on.

"Oh he is nervous." Kyrie chuckled, earning a side eye from the younger man.

"Good night Jayson. Good night guys." {your name}'s soft voice said over the music. Jayson eyes widen when he saw what she was  wearing up close. Kyrie nodded his head at her outfit, approving of the coral jumpsuit with a deep v-line and a pair of beige heels. It was simple but it fit her brown skin beautifully.

"Hey {your name}" Jayson finally said as he caught himself staring too hard. "Um, have a seat." He moved up a couple notches, making his teammates move in the process. {your name} took a seat next to man who had her brain and heart continuously arguing with each other and gave him a soft sigh. The young pair awkwardly watched each other with nervous looks, frustrating Jaylen and Kyrie.

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