[21] See Meh ~ Josh Hart

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[21] See Meh
Featuring  Josh Hart
Inspired by See Meh ~ Bunji Garlin

"Bro, you see what Shaderoom is talking about again?" Kyle asked his teammate Josh as he walked into the Lakers locker room. Lakers' guard Josh Hart scoffed at the sound before he shook his head.

"It can't be about me again bro." He mumbled as he shook his head. Kyle snickered and pulled up the Instagram page, showing him the latest headline.

"Lakers Star Josh Hart Allegedly Has Two Recent Baby Momma's and None of Them is {your name}, his long time girlfriend." Mo Wagner quickly read it about loud. The chatter in the locker room quickly stopped as all of his teammates turned around and watched him with wide eyes.

"What the fuck? Let me see that shit." Josh angrily said as he grabbed Kyle's phone.

"Bro, how are you going to have two baby mommas at the same time and it's not even your girl?" Brandon asked as he shook his head. Josh paused in his reading and watched him with a stank look.

"I know your skinny ass ain't lecturing me On wholesomeness with all ya side hoes chilling in the nose bleed seats." He replied, allowing the locker room to howl in laughter.

"I know this bitch ain't." Josh chuckled to himself as he handed back the phone to Kyle and rubbed his temples.

"So is true young blood?" Micheal Beasly asked.

"Nah, it ain't. I know {your name} going to have my head tonight." Josh paused with a sigh. "But it's like really stupid because those girls I haven't seen since my junior year in college and we ain't never fuck man. I know you can't get pregnant from head."

"I mean if it was good enough then boom you could've been pregnant." Lonzo said as he pushed his stomach out and rubbed it to resembled a pregnant person.

"This is why we don't take you out in public." Brandon said as he shook his head, allowing laughter to flow throughout the room.

"Alright then. How do I debunk this shit now?" Josh asked with a deep sigh.

"They White Girls?" Lance asked. Josh rolled his eyes and nodded.

"Yikes. Them white bitches crazy." Mo said as he shook his head.

"But -" Javale paused and watched him.

"Aren't you-" Tyson added.

"This muthfucka wilding." Micheal said as he chuckled.

"What, I'm serious. Those white girls be doing the most, that's why you have to get yourself a beautiful Black Queen." No added it on. The room got silent as they all watched him with a screwed face.

"MAN WHAT?" Lebron yelled as he sucked his teeth. The room erupted into laughter as the veteran dismissed him.

"Look, Josh. I deal with rumors all the time man-"

"Ooo yeah, you fucking with Beyoncé foreal? You think you could hook me up with Kelly Rowland?" Kyle asked as he peeped his head out from his locker.

"Nigga you too wack for Kelly man." Micheal said as he sucked his teeth.

"And you are?" Kyle asked with an amused look.

"Might not be, at least my balls dropped already." Micheal added with a smirk. The deep laughter in the room continued as Lebron and Josh shook their heads.

"Hey, yo. Guys. Crisis with my wife soon? Help." Josh yelled. The room settled and watched him with a raised brow.

"Wife?" Lonzo pipped up. "{your name} the wife now. I hear wedding bells."

"It's going be more like murder if he doesn't fix this dilemma." Brandon added with a shrug.

"I appreciate your positivity." Josh added dryly.

"Man. Okay look. This is what you got to do younging. You got to be real with her. Tell her straight up that those are some wild chicks from college, before you met her you know and they lying." Lebron stated.

"Hell nuh. Don't do that, you still going get sacrificed." Lonzo added.

"Now are you going to listen to this skinless chicken who just broke up with his baby momma and in child support cases or are you going to listen to the wholesome Lebron James." Kyle asked as he weighed out the options.

"I still believe that Beyoncé shit though. Because damn. Beyoncé." Lance added as he shook his head.

"Man if you don't shut your ass up." Lebron added as he got up from his locker. "Remember Hart. Be truthful."

"Girl you need to check out the latest post on the shaderoom." Ingrid, {your name}'s best friend said over FaceTime . {your name} paused in her searching for something to watch and gave her friend a twisted look.

"You damn well know I don't like the shaderoom and they bullshit." {your name} added with an eye roll.

"Sis, it's about your man. Look." Ingrid stated with an annoyed tone.

"My man? Josh? Josh Hart. #3 on the Lakers? The kid from Villanova? Joshua? My weirdo? Never." She said with a scoff as she opened the Instagram app.

"One, you are extra as fuck." Ingrid said with a cackle. "And two yes girl."

"What the fuck?" {your name} yelled as she read the headline. "Oh hell to the no no. He is a dead bitch today."

{your name} paced around the kitchen, aggressively drinking from her water as she tried to calm down her nerves. She couldn't believe it, but she wouldn't doubt it. He was a basketball player, living in LA. {your name} heard the front door open and shut as a group of male voices filled the room.

"JOSH." {your Name} yelled throughout the house.

"Well bro-"


"Yeah we'll catch you tomorrow right nephew"-


"Eeeeee later." The final voice said as the door closed shot. {your name} walked into the living room with her hands crossed as she glared at him.

"Hey bab-"

"Don't. Don't hey babe me." Josh took a drop breath as he scratched the back of his head. He knew he was fucked.

To be continued...

I laughed so much writing this. Whew I crack myself up. Josh don't get the love that he deserves man. He doesn't 😢

Let us appreciate this pic of him being... him

Whew, don't catch feelings kids

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Whew, don't catch feelings kids.

Have a beautiful night.

One Love
Kam 🖤

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