[15] Return ~ Diggy Simmons

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[15] Return III

Featuring Diggy Simmons

"I don't get it, I don't fucking get it." {your name} frustratedly said as she paced around Diggy's office as they waited for Troy and the head of the organization Li to give them an updated analysis.

"Well, if you would calm down first, then maybe everything would make sense." He replied with a sarcastic tone as he continued to read his newspaper. {your name} viciously sucked her teeth and she sent a glare at his direction.

"Firstly don't tell me to fucking calm down." She quickly took a deep breath as he tried to regulate her thoughts. When she finally got them to be organized, Troy and Li burst into the room with worried looks on their faces. Troy dropped a heavy folder with papers spilling out on Diggy's desk, sending an echo through the room. {your name} was officially paranoid.

"This shit is worse than I thought." Li, a tall statured caramel man of South African and Filipino decent, stressed as he ran his hand through his greying curly hair. {your name] never saw the man who became her mentor stressed and it scared her even more.

"I told you Li from the jump we had to safe her but you accused me of being an obsessive ex." Diggy simply said without looking up from his newspaper.

"Wait you guys knew about this shit all along and allowed him to suck away my abilities?" She yelled at the two older men in front of her.

"No we didn't know anything about him stealing your abilities {your name}. However, Diggy being the obsessive ex that he is, assigned himself on to track your movements to make sure nothing bad happens. He noticed that your fiancé was acting sketchy and followed him one day and he met up with Kian." Troy stated as he sat in the chair that was in front of Diggy's desk.

"So you were still stalking me?" She questioned Diggy as her mind continued to race.

"Yeah, that should be the least of your worried {your name}. Focus on the real situation at hand please." He said as he waved towards Troy and Li. She let out a deep sigh as the two gentlemen started to hand them out her progress report.

"So I know his alibi is that he is a chef right?" Li asked as he sat on the couch that was on the other side of the room.

"Yeah, his food is extremely good." {your name} nodded her head as he she remembered all the time he has prepared a good meal for her.

"Well, we think that is how he poisioning us and weakening your powers. However we aren't sure." Troy said with a simple shrug.

"That's a good tactic if we're being honest." Diggy said as the other in the rooms nodded their heads in agreement.

"It's a master plan. You need to go back home and get us a sample of his food so we can test it." Li commanded.

"Wait why? I wasn't informed about this." DIggy said as he finally put down his newspaper.

"Of course you weren't your are the obsessive ex boyfriend and we didn't have time to hear your protests Daniel. You know you are one of my trusted aids but you need to put your emotions aside so we can save her life." Li replied.

"My life?" {your name} pipped up.

"Oh yeah, the more powers you lose or the weaker you get, your body wouldn't be able to survive. Like you can catch every human and mutant disease known to man it would just be a chaotic mess." Troy said with a shrug.

"Wow." she replied as she watched the ceiling. "So I really have to go back and pretend that everything is fine huh?"

"Basically. I know it's going to be hard but it needs to be done."

"Man the dude didn't even file a missing report on her and it's been two weeks." Diggy said with a chuckle as he shook his head. "But I guess things has to be done."

"Wait." {your name} said more to herself as realization finally kicked in. She has been at their facility for a good moment and there were no missing reports filled by him and the people that she thought were like family to her. She wondered if they truly loved her or were they a part of the entire facade.

"We will meet around three with the team that will be helping you guys." Li's commanding voice said as it brought her back to reality. Diggy and {your name} nodded their heads at his order as he and Troy left the room. As soon as the door shut, she turned to him with a questioning look.

"When did you realize that his true intentions were to fuck me up?" She briskly asked, catching him slightly off guard.

"Well, if we are being honest, it wasn't until recently. Like a week or so before we brought you in. I honestly thought he was a clueless dude. He was good at erasing his steps." Diggy said with a sigh.

"Really good because I did so many background checks on him and all of them came up clean, that's why I actually went out with him and somewhat fell in love in the process." She confessed.

"Oh fell in love. True." He said as he nodded his head in disbelief.

"Man you know I will always have love for you it's just-"

"It's okay {your name}" He cut her off, as he really didn't want to hear it. "As I was saying it was one day he told you he had a chef gig out of town and something in my gut told me to check it out. He had a gig out of town yes, with his father. He updated him on how you were doing and I reported back to her immediately."

{your name} had her head on the table as she soaked in the information. All the signs that she ignored finally made sense and she was now crying at her ignorance at the situation.

"I was pregnant." She said through tears as she watched Diggy in his eyes.

"I know and the son of the bitch threw you down three flight of stairs and caused a miscarriage and then when was asked what happened you guys went with the clumsy excuse. When they say I was watching {your name}, I really was. I saw all the love and the arguments you guys had. I was pissed that you were blindly in love with a person who was emotionally abusing you. However I understood, you never felt love from someone who was truly out in the real world. You wanted the experience. Also those friends of yours, yeah they work for Kian as well." He said as he laid out everything out for her. {your name}'s sobs got louder as she shook her head in embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry." She cried out as she covered her face with her hands.

"Don't tell me that, tell yourself." He stated as he got up from his seat. "I'm going to he vending machine, need anything?"

To be continued


Woiiyiooo lol

What are your thoughts on this part? What do you like/dislike about {your name}'s character? What do you like/dislike about Diggy's character?

Wa mek Li and Troy so? lool

Do you want a next part of this or should I finally finish this Brandon imagine?

One Love. Kam

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