[16] Still Mine ~ Devin Booker

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Dedicated to this hoe those2misfits since we made a deal and whatever 🙄

"You know for someone that insists that we get divorced you are hella comfortable in my house." Devin said with a head shake as he dropped his keys on the small table in the living room. Zee who was engrossed in her phone, looked up at her estranged husband with a small smirk.

"Good afternoon to you to Devin." She said with a slight eye roll. Devin let out a deep sigh as he plopped into the single couch across from her.

"What brings you here? The last conversation we had, you toss a bat me." He asked with a raised brow.

"Yeah, I'm not sorry about that." She said with shrug. "I just came to get some of my stuff and I got tired so I took a nap on the couch."

"Why not on the bed where its more comfortable or in the guest room?"

"I got your brother on snap, who knows which hoes you are out here fucking Booker." Devin gave her a side eye as he got up from the seat.

"Whatever, I got someone coming over so if you don't want to see them you can leave." He said with another shrug before heading up the stairs.

"Oh hell no, let me see who the replacement is." Zee said with a dry chuckle and she crossed her legs and sat up in the couch. Devin, once again, shook his head and headed towards his room. He knew that in the next ten minutes things were about to escalate quickly.

'"Hey babe, I haven't seen you in like a week." A nasally voice stated from the front door. Zee popped up from the couch and looked towards Devin and his girl with a raised brow. She chuckled to herself when she realized that the person looked familiar.

"Yeah I missed you too, come in." He said as he gave her a side hug and motion for her to enter the house. Zee wanted to laugh at loud, knowing that Devin didn't really care about the woman. However, knowing how possessive this new woman was, she probably thought she was the one.

"Oh umm, I didn't know you had company. Who is this Devin?" The slim brown skin woman stated as she watched Zee with a side eye. Devin leaned his head back as he watched towards the ceiling, mumbling a quick prayer.

"This is my soon to be ex wife Zee." He simply said before walking into the kitchen. He wanted to avoid the smart comment that would come out of either of their mouths.

"Oh so you are the ex wife. Hmph." She said with a simple eye roll. Zee let out a small chuckle as she shook her head.

"What's your problem bitch?"

"Excuse me, what did you just call me?"

"A bitch. A puta. A female dog. Do you need to get your ears checked because I know this great ear doctor in Mesa.."

"I don't care about the fucking ear doctor just get out of my man's house." She yelled as she cut Zee off. Devin peaked his head out of the kitchen and mocked Shaggy's confused look. Zee let out a small chuckle as she saw his face and picked up her belongings.

"It's time for me to go." She said as she continued to laugh. "Devin I'll talk to you later. Enjoy your night with your babe." Devin then popped back out of the kitchen with his head cocked to the side.

"Whatchu talkin' bout Willis?"

"DEVIN!!" Her nasally voice shouted. Zee gave them a grin before closing the door and bursting into laughter. The poor girl had know idea what she got herself into.

"Can you believe that shit though? She really thought that she was his." Zee said with a snicker as she took a bite of her BLT. Kam, here friend who was visiting shook her head at the entire situation.

"That dude needs help and she is ver delusional. Up to this day I really don't see what you see in Devin sis." Kam said with a shrug as she took a sip of her sprite.

"He is funny, sweet, fine as fuck, caring and has a bomb as dick."

"And also a serial cheater." Kam ended with a shrug. Zee rolled her eyes as she knew her friend was right.

"I know, that's why we are getting the divorce." Zee said with a sad smile. She was still upset about the day she came home and he was having sex with another woman on their couch. Before he could've even explained himself, she threw the vase at him and his mistress and stormed out of the house. Later that week she found out that he was been cheating on her for the last year in their three year marriage and she felt defeated. However, she didn't trust anyone else to satisfy her sexual needs, so she still found herself crawling back to him for some relief.

"Mhhmm.. but always back at the house for some dick. I aint judging you but I'm judging you." Kam said with an amused look.

"Oh shit I got to go." Zee said as she looked down at her phone. She pulled out a $20.00 bill on her purse and sped out of the cafe before Kam could've said a word.

"Oh lawd Jesus." Kam mumbled to herself as she shook her head.

Zee stormed into the Sun's guard home as she noticed the alleged girl friend throwing stuff around the house. Her eyes widen at the sight as the woman prepared to throw a knife at Devin's left hand, the one he just got fixed. Zee lounged at the woman and dragged her across the carpet.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU BITCH?" Zee yelled as she punched her in her face. Devin, who was wiping the blood off of his forehead let out a deep sigh as he watched his estranged wife beat up a fuck buddy who felt entitled.

"GET THIS BITCH OFF OF ME DEVIN." She screamed as her nails scratched against Zee's skin. This only enraged the woman more, adding more strength to her already powerful punch. Davon, Devin's brother walked into the house and gave Devin a confused look. When he realized that. the girl was almost on her death bed, he called Devin to pull Zee off of her. It took a lot of kicking and screaming before the two men finally got her calmed down in a corner. Davon then dragged the slightly unconscious body out on the front porch, leaving her out there.

"Uh, she'll be fine when she wakes up. Might press charges but." Davon said with a shrug as he walked into the kitchen, stepping over broken glass and ceramic pieces.

"Sigh, thanks for coming over. " He said as he plopped on the couch. Zee shrugged as she pulled out the first aid kit from the coat closet and sat next to him.

"It's no big deal. You just seem to find the crazy ones all the time." Zee said as she shook her head. Devin watched her with a small smirk as he laughed a bit.

"I mean, I married on so."

"I'm not crazy." She protested. Devin watched her with a "sure" look before squinting as she cleaned his cuts with rubbing alcohol.

"Okay, I might be a little crazy, but I'm not delusional like that one outside. Please be careful next time."

"I will, and thank you again. I really appreciate it." He said as he smiled at her.

"It isn't a big deal Dev." She said as she placed are legs across his lap. "I got you and you got me. We cool." Devin smiled at the woman in front of him and leaned over to kiss her lips.

"Oh bro, don't worry we are getting a divorce." Davon mocked Devin as he walked out side, rolling his eyes.

"Oh shut up!"

I hoped you liked it ☺️

How are the rest of you guys doing today? I'm so stressed but yay us.

One Love

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