[20] Back Seat ~Jayson Tatum

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Back Seat [II]
Featuring Jayson Tatum
Inspired by: Back Seat ~ ExodusHD


"Jay, Jayson." {your Name} softly called out with a deep sigh as his lips linger against her neck. "We can't do this. At least not now."

Jayson let out a disappointed sigh as he removed himself from above her. The pair both watched each other with glossy eyes as she fixed her breast back into her jump suit.

"It's not like I don't want to it's just-"

"You don't have to explain yourself {your name}." He stated with a small chuckle as he scratched the back of his head. "If you don't want to have sex, I'm not going to force. I'm just not like that. Probably words might make this situation a little better, I just have an issue how to use them you know."

{your name} cracked a small smile at the man next to her as she nodded her head in agreement. "Yeah you suck at speaking."

"Aye." He said as scrunched her face up at him, making her giggle.

"I'm just saying Jayson. Your approaches are usually filled with mumbles." She said a simple shrug.

"Yeah. Yeah. If we are being honest, that shit only happens with you. I might be sounding like a headass right now, but only you got that affect on me." He said with a small sigh as he watched her.

"You're right. You do sound like a headass." She said before laughing. Jayson sucked his teeth as he lightly pushed her arm.

"Man you play too much." He said a deep chuckle.

"I'm just saying. In order for this work there needs to be communication on both ends." {your name} stated, becoming serious once more.

"Yeah, I'm really trying to work on that." He said as he continued to watch her intently.

"Well try harder. I really like you. I do, but I would not waste my time again. Especially not with a ball player." She said as she climbed back into the front seat. Jayson raised a brow at her as he got out of the back seat, to the front.

"What are you trying to say {your name}?" He questioned as he adjusted the seat once more. {your name} let out a deep sigh as she played with her jumpsuit.

"I'm saying you need to work on you, before we can get anywhere in this relationship."

"He's been extra happy today. I don't know if to be happy or afraid." Jaylen told Kyrie as they watched their teammate, Jayson do dribbling drills with a big grin on his face.

"He has been doing some meditation for the last couple of months and journaling. I don't know, it's like he had a rude awaken after we left Miami that time." Kyrie said with a shrug as he started to dribble the ball between his legs. There was a pause between the two teammates before they watched each other with wide eyes.

"{your name}." They both said at the same time.

"What about {your name}?" Marcus Morris asked as he stood next to the boys.

"You know her? From down Miami?" Kyrie questioned. Marcus nodded with a small chuckle.

"Yeah, Jayson wouldn't shut up about her. She has to be an exceptional young woman. That's the reason why he is grinning. She is coming in tonight." Marcus said as he informed his teammates. "Like he told the whole team."

"Not us." Jaylen said as he placed his hand over his heart, hurt that they were left out.

"Nah this nigga fake." Kyrie said as he shook his head. "YOW JT YOU FAKE AS FUCK."

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