[18] Still Mine ~ Devin Booker

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Part II
Dedicated to those2misfits

"Yeah, we are getting divorced. Yeah I can't stand him. Yeah I'm so over him." Kam mocked Zee as she saw Devin and Zee cuddled together on his couch.

"Firstly, why are you in my house?" Devin asked with a raised brow as he watched Kam with an amused look. Kam rolled her eyes at him and threw the draw string bag that Zee asked her to bring at her.

"Uh, one I helped picked this house so I could do whatever I want and two your, I don't know what the hell y'all are anymore, asked me to bring something for her." Kam said with a deep sigh. "I'm out before I see something that would make me throw up. Toodles guys." 

"Your friend is insane." Devin said as he chuckled to him.

"Says the one whose brother dragged the woman out on the porch." She said as she gave him a side eye.

"What else was he supposed to do?" Devin asked with a shrug.

"I don't know, make sure she is in car safely and not make it look like a crime scene?" Zee said with an amused look on her face.

"Oh I'm surprised you actually care about her well being." He replied in a shock tone. Zee let out a loud cackle as she rolled her eyes.

"You got jokes Booker. You really do." She said as she got up from the couch and stretched. "It's been a long day and I'm going to call it a night." Zee picked up her bag and headed towards the direction of the bedrooms.

"Umm.... I thought you said you were going to call it night?" He asked with an amused tone,

"I am, in one of these big ass comfortable beds." She said with a shrug. "Impossible I just saved your life and you are kicking me out."

"That's not even.. you know what Zee, just go." He said with a head shake as he walked into the kitchen. Zee shrugged at his change of attitude and headed towards the guest room to sleep.

Devin tossed and turned in his bed, as his mind kept him up. His body was aching for rest as it tried to recover from the cuts he received earlier. Letting out a frustrating sigh, he looked up at his white ceiling and rubbed his temples.

"That's not a good idea." He mumbled to himself as he battled with his thoughts. His mind was going back and forth on whether he should go into the room where Zee is. His mind somehow came up with the theory on why he couldn't sleep, and why he hasn't been sleeping properly either. However, he didn't want to be his old self and use her as his peace. He wanted to find peace within himself first and then share it with her.

The constant battle inside his head, forced him to throw off his covers and stomp towards the kitchen to receive a bottle of water. As he stepped across the threshold for the kitchen, he saw his estranged wife stirring a cup of tea.

"Can't sleep too huh?" She asked with a small smile, as her eyes followed his shirtless frame towards the fridge. Devin closed the door and opened his bottle and took a quick gulp.

"Yeah, my mind is keeping me up." He said with a small sigh as he leaned against the fridge. "What got you up?"

"Same reason." A comfortable silence filled the void as they continued to drink their beverages. Although from the outside it might seemed peaceful, the two lovers brains were running over a 100 miles per hour.

"Do you think we are making a mistake?" Zee asked, breaking the silence.

"A mistake how?" He question as he finally turned and face her.

"I don't know. Is divorce really the answer? If it is the answer, should we really be next to each other?" She questioned with a sigh.

"I don't know Zee. I really don't. I do know that we need to do some personal growth, at least for me, before we can properly love each other again." He said with a shrug.

"But I never stopped loving you Devin. That's the issue."

"I never stopped loving you too."

6 months later.

"You are glowing bitch. Are you guys having sexual relations again?" Kam asked her friend as she drove to drop her off at Devin's house.

"Uhhh, no. Well maybe a little head."

"Bitch." Kam squealed. "Then again I'm surprised y'all nasty asses stayed abstinent so damn long."

"I mean, we were working on bettering ourselves as people, but the other night things just got intense." She said with a shrug.

"Mhhm and by the way you've been looking at your phone, it sounds like it's going to get even more intense. It's going to get intenserer."

"Firstly, that's not even a word." Zee said with a laugh. "And secondly shut up before I start on you with.."

"Okay okay. Bitch you are here. Bye." Kam quickly dismissed her as they pulled up in front of the door. Zee let out a loud laugh as she hopped out of the car.

"Byeee whore." She yelled before going to the front door. As soon as she walked in, Kam beeped the horn and drove off. Taking in the house, she noticed that there were petals in a trail on the floor.

"I know this dude isn't being basic as hell." She chuckled to herself as she followed the path. Reaching towards the master bedroom, Zee opened the door, and started to laugh what was in front of her. Devin was laid across the bed naked, with a champagne glass in his hand and an attempted sexy look.

"Oh damn you look ridiculous." She laughed as she took the glass away from him. Devin sucked his teeth as he wrapped his arms around her body.

"Whatever . You know you like what you see."

"Hmmm debatable." She said as she kissed his lips. "However I have some bad news, my period started today." Devin sucked his teeth loudly as he crashed on the bed with a sad look.

"Gah damn." He said as he shook his head. "Welp I guess I'll run a hot bath for your cramps and shit. Because I ain't like those other niggas. Period stop sentences and sex." He mumbled to himself as he got up from the bed towards the bathroom.

Zee laughed to her self as a big smile creeped up her face. No matter what they've been through, he would always be hers.


Your thoughts guys?

I hoped you enjoyed it Zee ☺️

Who do you want to see next?

Have a blessed Sunday guys.
One Love Kam 🖤

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