[25] Return ~ Diggy Simmons

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Return IV 

"{your name} can you hear me?" Diggy asked as he double checked all of his security cameras and mics. He, Troy and once of the younger tech guys, Justice, were a secrete warehouse right across the street from {your name}'s and Kian's apartment, just incase something crazy happens. 

"Yeah I'm good, about to step in the apartment." She answered with a deep sigh. "I'm just afraid that something bad happens to me." The three men across the street all watched each other with somber looks. No one truly knew what was about to happen when she walks into the place she has been missing from in the last two weeks. However, they knew this was the only way to get closer to the enemy. 

"Whatever happens {your name}, we got your back." Justice said in a reassuring tone. She let out a deep breath and allowed her to calm and she turned the key in the door knob. As the door swung open, the loud scent of tobacco smoke filled the room, making her cough in the process. As her coughing calmed down a bit, she noticed that their were random clothes all across the living room. 

"What in the world?" She mumbled to herself as she walked to the couch and noticed that it was female undergarments all over the place she called home. 

"Guys." she mumbled loud enough for them to hear. She quickly wiped the tears that were running down her face. "I don't even want to see him anymore." 

"He is foul as fuck for that." Diggy said with a dry chuckle. "I guess you could just re-" 

"Who the fuck are you?" A high pitched voice yelled throughout the room. {your name} raised her brow and watched the slender brown skin woman with a look of her disgust. All she was wearing was a pink silk robe, {your name}'s pink silk robe, and had her bright orange hair in a bun. 

"Are you mute bitch, I asked you the fuck are you? Just walking all up in my mans house." She said as she watched {your name} up and down. {your name} took a deep breath as she tried not to use her powers and zap her to the ground. 

"Do not worry about who I am. Where is Kian?" She asked as she crossed her arms. The mystery woman let out a dark laugh as her brown eyes turned into a dark green. 

"Kian is busy at the moment but I can relay a message." She said with an evil smirk. {your name} let out a deep sigh as she rubbed her temples slowly. 

"So, she is one of Kion's level one mutants. She is an easy ass whooping." Troy informed her, something she realized when her eyes changed color. 

"Do you want to fight me or?" {your name} said with a shrug as she put her purse down. "Because I will fight." The mutant started to laugh as she shook her head. 

"Bitch, I'll kill you." She simply said before rushing towards {your name}. {your name} quickly put her hand out against the mutant's forehead and her running in the same position for three minutes. {your name} picked her nails as she saw the mutant started to morph, into the Giant lizard she originally was. {your name} noticed that and grabbed the tailed and wrapped it around the mutant's neck, simply choking itself to death.  When the body dropped and echoed through the room, she heard clapping coming down the stairs. 

"Whew, bravo. I always knew there was something special about you." Kian said as he took a puff of the backwood he had in his hand. {your name} rolled her eyes and turned to face the man she thought she was about marry. 

"Kian." She said dryly as she crossed her arms. 

"You know, I thought that you would've never return home," he started as he ran his hand across her arm, which sent a disgusted chill down her body, "but I'm happy you know where home is baby. It can be me and you and we can rule the world." He said with a smile as he wrapped his hand around her neck. {your name} continued to watch him with a stale look as the boys back in the warehouse freaks out. 

"She needs to leave there immediately. She is getting hurt." Diggy said as he quarreled with Troy. Troy, who didn't want to break orders from Li, took a deep breath and turned to one of his smartest agents. 

"Look, Li said she had to stay and collect information, but you are the one that knows her the best, so we go with what you say." Troy said with raised hands. Diggy quickly nodded his head as he slipped in his body suit, ready to save the love of his life. 

"Guys, we might have a problem. Listen to this." Justice said as he replayed a video for them. 

"And tell those bitch asses that has been mumbling in your ear and watching my shit, that you are mine now." Kian said before the screen with blank and {your name}'s scream filled the room. 

To be continued.... 


Hi. I realized that I should probably continue this series and as well as do a part two for a couple imagines that I realized that I haven't finished. I'm currently in a weird space so I'm trying to write as much to clear that space lol. 


One Love. Kam. 

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