[12] Affair ~ Steve Lacy

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[12] Affair
Featuring Steve Lacy
Prompt From: those2misfits

"This, this is weird." {your name} stated as she looked at her lover with an irritated look.

"Weird how, you were the one who suggested this meeting." Steve shrugged as he sipped the water that was provided by the restaurant.

"Yeah but I wasn't expecting it to be-" she paused to sigh as she watched the other person at the end of the table. "Him."

The dark skinned male gave {your name} a small smile as he lightly slouched in his seat. The three of them was in a private section of a LA restaurant as {your name} wanted answers. She knew that her boyfriend, Steve, was participating in sexual relations with another person, but she was expecting a blonde bitch, not a chocolate snack.

"Like I said, you asked to meet with the person. We are all about transparency and whatever so here is the person. This is John, John this is {your name}." Steve said as he formally introduce both of his lovers. He knew once {your name} figured out what was going on, there was no use of hiding them from each other. If they both wanted to leave him, they were willing to do such and he would go back to living his life.

"Yeah, Whatever, just tell me why and I'll be on my way home to pack up your shit." She simply stated with a deep attitude. John let out a loud laugh as he licked his lips and shook his head.

"I'll be straight up. I don't have a reasonable explanation. So I'm not going to lie to you about it." Steve said with a shrug. {your name} rolled her eyes at his honesty. At times she would appreciate it, but at this moment it upset her how calm he was for this entire situation.

"I... I don't even."

"You know what I find funny." John said as he sat up straight. Unfortunately, the waiter arrived to take their orders. After they were finished, the waiter informed them that their meals would be out in the next fifteen minutes, which was enough time for the conversation.

"What do you find funny now John?" {your name} asked with a raised brow. John gave her a bright smile as Steve watched the both of them with a raised brow.

"I find it funny that you are sitting here huffing and puffing, acting all enraged, when you have been stepping out on Steve for the last year and change." He said with a small smile. Steve, who was drinking his water, started to choke at the information. As he finally calmed down he turned to {your name} with wide eyes.

"Is that true {your name}?" He asked as he watched her intently. {your name} sent a glare at John as she rolled his eyes.

"Yes." She mumbled as she bit the inside of her cheek.

"Oh, wait how the fuck you know this?" Steve asked as he turned to face John.

"Do you want me to tell him or do you want to do the honors?" John asked as he watched {your name} with a small smirk.

"Urgh." {your Name} groaned. "Fine shit. I've been fucking around with John okay. I don't know how the hell he has been fucking around with you too, but hey." {your Name} ended with a shrug.

"But.." Steve watched the two of them in shock. He didn't know which emotion to feel and the entire situation was just complicated.

"So the time you were in our building, the first time we met, you were coming from messing with my girl?" Steve asked as he put piece to piece together.

"Yup. I realised that she was treating you like shit, so why not mess with you as well." John said with a simple shrug.

"But, I.." He stammered, now officially felt like he was being used.

"Plus I was thinking after we resolve all of this, we could just have a threesome." John simply said. Steve watched John and then {your name} and shook his head. He let out a small laugh as he threw a couple hundred bills on the table and got up from his seat.

"Have a nice life together." He simply said before walking out of the restaurant.

"Well, I tried." John said with a shrug.

"You know you are a sick bitch right." {your name} said as she got up from her seat and sat where Steve was.

"Mhhm, so after this, my place or yours?" John asked with a smile. {your name} chuckled as she let out a small sigh.



Your thoughts?

Oh and if you guys have prompts you want to suggest, you can leave some here or go to my other book and leave some there.

Have a lovely day
One Love

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