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*whole story in Wayo's Pov*

Journal 1: freshmen year

-Page 1. 12-15-14 2:38 pm. Tuesday -

' is there something wrong with me? I feel like there's something wrong with me, not wrong as in sick/injured but, I just feel like my brain and my feelings are messed up somehow. I don't know what to do about it. on the one hand, I could ----' my thoughts and my writing were interrupted by my 5 friends yelling at each other as they sat down to eat lunch.

"Nong, you alright?" P'Pha asked sitting on my right, I flinched and shut my journal.

"I'm ok P', just thinking about stuff," I said moving my bag so everyone could sit down.

"You sure you're ok?" P'Forth asked sitting on my left, I flinched again.

And back to earlier, I think there's something wrong with me, I'm sitting in between Pha and Forth, my two best friends, which isn't good at all. you see, my problem is that I like someone, actually... I like two people... Pha and Forth... which is why it's hard for me to be so close to them right now when I don't even know why I'm feeling like this...Oh, I guess I should introduce myself? yeah, I'll just say who I am, Hello, I'm Wayo Panitchayasawad, ( Yo for short ) and starting my first year of college. I'm a science major while all of my friends are Arts/Science/Medical and Engineering majors. But yeah, I really like my two best friends and I really don't know what to do about it, I cant just tell them and ruin our friendship, but I cant keep it too myself forever...can I? no, I cant I have to tell them at some point but I don't know how/when.

"Wayo." Forth and Pha both said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"y...yeah P's?" I stuttered since I was caught off guard.

"you sure you are ok?" Pha asked putting a hand on my shoulder.

I nodded and didn't say anything for fear that I would slip up and say something I wasn't supposed to.

"Yo, you can talk to us if you need to," Forth said putting a hand on my thigh, and that fucking killed me.

Having both your crushes worried about you and touching you (not like that ya nasty) just messes with your emotions even more. I guess they could tell that I was a bit overwhelmed since they kept looking at me with really worried.

"Wayo, I've known you for 20 years and I can tell there's something wrong, come on we need to talk," Ming said dragging me away from our group.

"I...I'm alright..." I said not making eye contact just trying to calm myself down a bit.

"is this about....แฟน ?" Ming asked. I nodded,

"they just overwhelmed me back there, you know how I get whenever I'm around them like that," I said hugging Ming he's always calmed me down in these situations. Ming and I have been friends since I was only a few months old and he was 1. Our parents were best friends growing up so naturally both of us have been friends since the beginning of our lives basically.

"Alright, let us get back in there so they don't worry too much about you." Ming joked but was also serious. I nodded and walked back in and sat in between the two boys I'm in love with.

"everything ok?" Forth asked me but kind of quiet just cause he didn't know what was going on.

"I'm alright P'" I smiled and hugged him, which then Pha pouted and I blushed and hugged him too.

"Hey, we're having a movie night you guys wanna join us?" Nate (Fairy Angel) asked everyone.

"I'll go," I said.

Pha and Forth agreed to go to, everyone else was busy so they cant go.

"Alright meet at Yo's dorm at 8 pm," Nate said and kept eating lunch.

- 8 pm the same day -

"Wayo! you awake!?" Forth knocked on my room's door.

"Yeah come in!" I yelled from the doorway of my bathroom I was doing my hair when Forth came in.

"did you dye your hair?" Forth asked staring at me.

"Yeah, it's pink now P'," I said taking the towel off and ruffling my hair a bit.

"whoa...." Forth's jaw dropped. Pha walked in shortly after with the rest of my friends and his jaw dropped when he saw my hair.

"holy shit you look great sweetie!!!" Nate said hugging me. Pha and Forth couldn't say anything they were speechless ( picture above is Wayo's hair now)

"you guys ok?" I blushed to cause both of my P's weren't saying anything.

"you look hot/sexy," Forth said,

"You look amazing Yo," Pha said.

I was a blushing mess at their comments but I was happy that they liked my hair, cause lets are honest, if they didn't like it I would've been devastated. And they kept staring at me for most of the night until Fatty (FA) commented on it,

"Oi! P's stop eye-raping the child please," he said everyone looked at Pha and Forth and then looked at who they were looking at...

They were looking at me.....


aye, Wayo calm down, its just cause of your hair. Yeah, just my hair it's not like they like me...wait...


I'm thinking too much I doubt they like me...

"I wasn't/I was" both Pha and Forth replied.

I blushed a lot and hid in my blanket.

"Yah! Forth you're a pervert!" Nate said punching Forth's arm.

"When is he not?" Fatty asked.

"Gotta point their P'" Nate nodded agreeing with Fatty.

"Where's Yo? " the twins asked looking around.

"I'm not sure...Wayo!? Where'd you go?" Pha asked looking around my room before finding me laying on my bed where I've been most of the night watching movies.

"Yo," Pha said coming over and sitting next to me on the bed.

"Hm?" I hummed moving the blankets so they could only see my eyes.

"Why are you hiding?" He asked

"I'm sleepy," I said and yawned I was actually really tired but I wanted to stay up with everyone else.

"Go to sleep then เด็กทารก," he said smiling,

I blushed and hid in my blankets more.He just smiled, ruffles my hair and then goes and sits with everyone else telling them to be quiet so I could sleep.I have to admit, today/night was the best I've ever had...

Until next time,

· Wayo ·

AN: hello !!! I'm Dani the author of this (hopefully) wonderful story, thank you for reading and for those who don't speak Thai here are translations of some words I used;

เด็กทารก - baby boy ❤

แฟน - Faen meaning boyfriend/boyfriends

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