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Journal 1: Freshman Year

- page 13 - Wednesday - 06.05.15 - 8 pm 

"Forth! Pha! come look at how hot Yo looks," Ming said walking out of the bathroom, 

"shut up! im too cute to be hot!" i yelled from the bathroom i was blow drying my hair a bit more since it was still a bit wet from washing it a million times.

"i doubt that babe," Pha said walking to the bathroom to see my new hair color. 

"holy shit...." Pha said staring at me, 

"whoa.....keep this color you look hot as hell," Forth said also staring at me. 

i just blushed and looked away from them, 

"Ok please stop eye raping the child," Ming said hitting Pha's arm.

"at least it wasn't me this time" Forth said smiling.

"i'd rather it be you than Pha," Ming said. 

"im offended" Pha said. 

"i don't care" Ming replied. 

i went out of the bathroom and got some food from the mini-kitchen area, Forth followed me. 

"did you and Pha eat yet?" i asked making ramen. 

"not yet we were waiting for you to finish doing your hair," Forth said hugging me from behind again, i smiled and started to make some more ramen so they could eat too. 

"Ming you want ramen?" i yelled over to him 

"No, im going out with Beam and Kit later," he said putting his shoes on

"Ok, don't get too drunk cause i wont help you again" last time he got really drunk it was a weird day i don't wanna talk about it. 

"i know, see ya guys later" Ming said as he left.

Pha came over to us and kept staring at me, so did Forth, 

"i get it im 'hot' can you stop staring please?" it bothered me a bit since i wasn't used to it. 

"Awww are you blushing?" Pha asked making me look up at him, 

"maybe," i said moving my head so my face was hidden from them, 

Forth smiled and kept hugging me, honestly i wasn't used to them both giving me so much attention at the same time, i was so used to only one giving me attention at a time so this was different, but a good different. 

"Babe," Forth said making me look over at him

"Hm?" I looked up at him and the next thing i know he kissing me.


Pha pulled me away from Forth and also kissed me,


I. AM. A. TOMATO. !!!!

*y'all can figure out what happends next 😶😜 im not qualified to write it*

- the next day -
(Author pov)

Wayo was still asleep from what happened yesturday, Forth had gone to go get breakfast and Pha stayed with Yo waiting for him to wake up.

"I'm back, he awake yet?" Forth asked setting the food down on the table

"No, but imma wake him up so he can get ready for school," Pha said starting to wake Wayo up

"Let me sleep," Wayo whined and covered himself in the blankets even more

"Baby, come on one more of day of school then you can sleep all day," Forth said moving the hair away from his eyes

"Fine," wayo got up and went to shower and get ready for school.

Pha and Forth smiled and also got ready for school then sat with Yo and ate breakfast.

Until Next Time,

❤ Wayo ❤

AN: a more "couple" centric chapter i don't write smut so thats why i skipped it .
But yeah, i hope you liked this chapter 2 more till the end of the book

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