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Journal 1: Freshman Year

  (this book is over at ch. 15 but i will definitely be making a book 2 !! aka Journal 2: Sophomore/Jr year) 

- page 11 - 06.02.15  - Sunday night - 11 pm - 4 am - Monday morning - 06.03.15 - 

1 week left of school 

"can i sleep yet?/are we done yet?" all of the Fairies were complaining. its nearly 2 in the morning and we're all up still working on essays and projects for finals coming up starting tomorrow.    

"when everything is 100% done then we can sleep," Nate (technically a fairy but not one of the main 4) yelled to everyone, i was very close to falling asleep while working on my essay, 

"wake up Wayo!" E-Mon yelled hitting my arm

"sorry," i said while yawning. 

"its cool, how about we take a break for tonight? no one's really working anymore anyway," Jae said packing up his stuff, 

"i agree, we need sleep!" Fatty sighed dramatically laying on the floor 

"Red, have you seen my phone?" i asked looking around the table I'm working at but i couldn't find my phone

"E-Mon took it," Red answered and pointed out that door. 

"fuck... E-Mon get your ass back in here!" i yelled running out to find him and my phone. 

E-Mon took my phone cause Ming had called, and we all know how thirsty E-Mon is when it comes to my best friend. he saw me and smiled while talking to Ming, 

"E-Mon, give me my phone back please," i said holding my hand out

"not yet im trying to make Ming my boyfriend" he sassed, but acted cute so i let him keep talking

"Wayo!" i heard someone calling my name so i looked and there was a very worried Pha and Forth walking towards me. 

"where were you? you didn't answer your phone and you weren't in our room," Forth said hugging me, 

"I've been here all night, and E-Mon took my phone cause Ming called me, ya know how Mon is  with Ming." i said punching Mon's arm gently. Both Pha and Forth nodded and hugged me, then followed me back into the class room the Fairies and i are working in. 

"wow, what exploded in here?" Pha asked pointing at the mess coming from Jae's area

"chemicals, don't come over here P's." Jae said cleaning everything up. 

they nodded and followed me to where i was working on 3 essays, i had already finished my project. 

"cool," Forth said looking at my project, Pha was reading over my essays. i sat down and yawned cause of how tired i was. 

"tired babe?" Pha asked putting his arm around me, i nodded leaning on him. Red and Fatty smiled at us and started teasing me

"shut up before i hit you" i threatened but cause im a small adorable 'puppy' they just laughed. 

i rolled my eyes and waiting for E-Mon to bring my phone back so i could leave. 

"Here you go Yo," Mon said handing me my phone

"Any luck this time?" Nate asked

"Nope," Mon sighed but saw a cute boy walking by the room and ran out to talk to him.

I put my phone in my pocket and looked up at Forth and Pha.

"Can we go now? Im tired," i yawned and leaned on Pha.

"Yeah, " Forth smiled and held my hand as we walked back to our dorm.

as soon as we got back i immediately fell face first on the bed and tried to sleep, but Pha made me get up and change clothes first.

"im too tired..." i mumbled into the pillow since i hadn't gotten up yet, 

"Wayo, come on, or Pha's gonna do it for you, actually i'd let him" Forth said then flinched when Pha punched his arm

"you pervert" Pha said

"oh come on you kn---"

"shut up somewhat innocent child trying to sleep here" i said turning over and looking at my idiot boyfriends.  "but Pha's gotta point Forth you are kind of a pervert" 

"only to you guys though" Forth smiled

"that's true," i said putting the blankets over me and sleeping. 

"aye this kid," Pha said changing his own clothes and laying next to Yo, Forth doing the same. 

Until Next Time, 

  ❤ · Wayo · ❤  

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