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Journal 1: Freshman year
Last day of school - 06.06.15

Ugh..i hate this, im in my last class, with my rude/homophobic uncle and he decides to 'lecture' us on random shit.

Im texting Forth and Pha since i don't wanna pay attention to what he's saying.

"Wayo! Put your phone away," the teacher yelled for the millionth time this year

"Everyone else is on their phones why cant i?" I asked/sassed. I dont care if i get in trouble like i said this class doesnt matter towards graduation

He starts going on this whole rant being an idiot/saying rude things, and finally to end it just as Forth and Pha walk into the room he slaps me, just like mom did.

I was unphased by it, im used to it, the other students were filming it to send to the school to fire him.

Forth and Pha rushed over to me to see if i was ok, i was fine but i hugged them anyway.

"Can we leave? Im tired and i dont want to be here," i said hugging Pha

"Yeah, come on," Pha held my hand and walked out of the class with me while Forth got my stuff

"Wanna go get food?" Pha asked

I shook my head,

"Just wanna sleep?" Forth asked, he could see how tired i was just by looking at me

I nodded and yawned as we walked back to the dorms

- at home -

As soon as we got home i went and layed down and just tried to sleep.

Pha and Forth put their stuff down and layed down next to me and put on a movie

"You ok Yo?" Forth asked holding my hand and Pha had an arm around me.

"Im fine, he just bothers me a lot," i said moving my bangs out of my eyes.

They nodded, "let's just forget about him and watch movies before we have to pack up and move out of the dorms," Pha said kissing my cheek and Forth's

I nodded and hugged them both before taking a nap for a few hours.

- next day -

"Wayo wake up we gotta start packing," Forth woke me up

"Ok.." I sat up and rubbed my eyes trying to wake up

"Wheres Pha?" I asked noticing he was gone

"He's packing up his dorm," Forth said packing his stuff and putting some boxes on the couch for me to use.

I started packing up my manga collections and my figurines/stuffies then moved onto clothes and everything else

Forth and i were finished around 1 pm and we put all of our stuff into a moving van we rented for the 3 of us.

I went up to Pha's room to help him pack up

"Need help?" I asked walking into his room

"Um..not really im pretty much done i just have to take the boxes to the truck" Pha said taping up the last 2 boxes

I nodded and carried the smaller/lighter boxes down to the truck while Forth and Pha carried the bigger boxes

"And done," Pha said locking up the truck

"Boo!" Ming said jumping on me

"Ow, and why did you scare me??" I asked rubbing my shoulder cause Ming hit it hard

"Cause i felt like it, Dad's on his way to come get us he'll be here tommrow around 4 pm," Ming said and I nodded

"Where do you live Ming?" Forth asked

"A few hours away from here," he replied

"A few? Talk about nearly 10 hours," i said

"No that's the old house remember? The new one's about 5 hours away," Ming corrected me

"Eh thats better, no one wants to spend 10 hours with you in a car," I said laughing

"You're so mean to me," Ming pouted i smiled and hit his arm

"Wayo!!!" E-Mon attacked me in hugs

"Yes E-Mon?" I asked hugging him

"I wont see you next year! Im gonna miss you kid!" E-Mon i think was genuinely crying

"Awww Mon, dont cry you could always call me i know youll be calling Ming all the time," i teased him and hugged him

"True," he let go and we talked for a bit before he had to leave i said bye to the other Angles and hung out with Pha/Forth and Ming for the rest of the day.

This is gonna be a long summer.....

Until Next Time

❤ wayo ❤

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