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Journal 1: freshmen year

(What Wayo's Journal looks like front/back cover - pic above)

- Page 2. 12-16-14 1:28 am Wednesday -

This is fucking crazy, amazing, wonderful, and every other great way to describe something like this. I have to be quiet while writing right now so this page might be a bit short, but currently, I'm freaking out. Ok so let me tell you what's happened since yesterday's entry.

After Pha went back to the mini-living room area with everyone else, I 'acted' asleep, so to everyone else I was asleep but in reality, I wasn't. Around 11-12pm-ish, everyone except for Pha and Forth left, Forth lived next door and Pha lived 5 floors above me. They said that they would leave a note for me letting me know everyone left and the doors locked and stuff. They didn't leave a note...and they didn't leave my room at all last night...they're still here as I am writing this....

I stopped writing for a minute and looked over at Pha who had woken up and was looking over at me from his spot on the left side of the bed, Forth was on the right, and I was in the middle of the two.

"เด็กทารก, why are you up so late?" Pha's voice was really raspy and quiet at this time of the night.

"Couldn't sleep," I replied putting my journal under my pillow and turning to face Pha,

"hm, let me try something," he pulled me closer to him and put me on top of his chest and hugged me. I blushed a lot and hid my face.

"Aww" Forth moved over and was playing with my hair now, he awwed at how cute I was.

"What are you guys doing awake?" Forth asked trying to cuddle up to us so he wasn't left out.

"เด็กทารก couldn't sleep," Pha said, I nodded while laying against his chest kind of blushing. 

"Aww, come here" Forth moved me from laying on Pha to being in the middle with them both putting their arms around my waist. I blushed for the millionth time in the past 12 hours. 

"Go to sleep เด็กทารก," both of them said before kissing my cheek.

The next morning (about 6 hours later), my alarm woke us up at 7:30 am.

"Why so early Nong?" Forth complains. 

"Classes start at 8 am for me," I said getting up from the bed and going to my closet to get my clothes.

"That sucks, ours don't start till 10-11." Forth replied, Pha was going back to sleep.

"Lucky," I said getting my uniform and going to the bathroom to shower.

A few minutes later I walked out dressed and ready to leave when I saw Forth and Pha dead asleep in each other's arms, it was ADORABLE! I left them a note saying I went to school and to lock the door when they leave, and then I left and had a boring day at school until lunch.

"They did what!?!" Ming was shook.

I was telling everyone about what had happened last night after everyone left my dorm and how PF stayed the night with me. 

"How did you survive that??" Nate asked fangirling,

"Survive what?" Forth asked sitting next to me with his lunch.

"A hard test in one of my classes, I forgot to study for it." I lied, I'm great at lying 90% of the time, the other 10%...is when I have to lie to my parents and I always fail at that. Forth nods and keeps eating,

"You gotta study more, เด็กทารก" Pha said whispering the last part to me as he sat next to me.

I smiled and kept eating,

"I would've studied more, but I was busy with the Angels and you P's," I said as I finished my lunch.

"Here ya go, you owe me Nong," Ming said as he handed me a Pink Milk, my favourite drink ever!!

"I'll pay you tomorrow Ming," I said as I drink the milk. 

"you look like a baby, and it's adorable" the Angels fanboyed/girled over my 'cuteness'.  Pha and Forth both left somewhere when we weren't paying attention, probably back to class. 

Today wasn't nearly as great as yesterday/last night, but it was a really great day, 

Until next time, 

· Wayo · ❤

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