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These feel like onshots with a continuing plot

Journal 1: Freshman Year

- Page 3. 12-20-14 2 pm Thursday - 

    It's winter holiday!! I'm currently laying in my bed with mixed emotions, I'm happy for no classes and stress for almost a month, but I'm sad because I won't be able to see Pha, Forth, Ming, or the Fairy Angels at all. They are all going to their homes to be with family, while I'm stuck alone in the dorm building at the school. But hey, it cant be all that bad, Ming's coming back a week early to have a mini Christmas with me so I'm not completely alone and left out of everything. My parents and I...we're not really on the best terms at the moment. So naturally, because of that, they told me not to come home for the holidays, said something about knowing I lied? but I don't know what the lie was they're talking about and they refuse to tell me.

+ gets a text from the group chat MP-DF-BW ❤ +

MPHA: are you guys going home during the break?

DFORTH: I'm not, the family's in America, so I'm stuck here

MPHA: same, my parents are in Korea so I've got nowhere to go,

DFORTH: Baby Yo, are you going home at all?

BWAYO: no, parents don't want me at home.

MPHA: aww, wanna hang with us? so you're not alone

DFORTH: yeah stay with us I don't want you to be all alone for the holidays

BWAYO: can I?

DFORTH: hell yeah!

MPHA: yes!

BWAYO: ok, where are we meeting?

MPHA: do you guys wanna go to my beach house? it's really nice this time of year with the snow and everything

BWAYO: I wanna go !! +puppy eyes+

DFORTH: same !! and Wayo stop being cute!

MPHA: ok, pack your stuff and meet downstairs in 2 hours

BWAYO: ok P', and no I was born to be cute!

DFORTH: ill text when I'm done

+ no more texts +

ok, nevermind about being sad. I'm super excited now I'm going to be spending most of my break with 2 of my best friends and my crushes, who possibly like me back but I'm not 100% sure if they do or not. I started packing and when I was finished I took a nap. Because of 1. I'm a child, and 2. I was tired as fuck from taking mid-terms all day. 

   - 2 hours later -            

+knock knock+

 "Wayo?" Forth yelled from outside the door.

"He might be asleep babe," Pha said trying to open the door. Seeing if it was unlocked. It was cause I forgot to lock it earlier.

I woke up from the noise, whined, and then tried to sleep more.

"Aww, baby taking a nap?" Forth asks nealing next to my bed.

I nodded, "I'm not a baby I just happen to be young and cute. And I'm tired"

"You can sleep on the way there," Pha said grabbing my bags and going downstairs.

I nodded and went to get my hoodie but it wasn't there, what was there was a note,

- borrowed the hoodie, · Ming

Great...just great...*note sarcasm*

"What's wrong?" Forth asked hugging me from behind.

"Ming stole my hoodie," I said trying not to flip out over Forth hugging me like this.

"Guys, come on we gotta go before the roads close," Pha said coming back into my room.

I nodded and tried to move but Forth was in the way...

"P' can you let go please?" I asked

"Yeah," Forth let go and I went back to looking for a hoodie until all I saw was black...

"What the fuck??" I asked

"Oops..." Pha said and fixed whatever this was so I could see.

"Too big," Forth said

"But its cute" Pha replied

"You gave me your hoodie?" I asked now noticing what it was.

"Mhm," Pha nodded.

"Thanks, P'."

And after all of that, we finally got into the car and started driving.

- about 3 hours later  - 

We finally made it to Pha's beach house. it was bigger than I thought it would be but is looked extremely beautiful with the snow all around it. Forth was asleep in the passenger seat and I had just woken up when Pha started to wake me up. 

"Wake up loser," Pha tried to wake Forth up, and P' just refused, it was cute. 

"Wayo, you awake baby?" Pha turned to look at me after waking Forth up. 

"Yeah, " I yawned Pha and Forth awwed at my cuteness for the millionth time. 

We all walked up the stairs and into the house, it was beautiful. 

(pic above is the house)

"There are only 2 rooms we're allowed to use, the other's are off limits," Pha explained. 

"why?" Forth asked. 

"Mom's rules, probably think I'd throw a party or something so she limited it to two rooms when I come alone/with friends. " Pha said turning on some lights in the living room. 

I was looking around while Forth and Pha got our stuff out of the car, they came in a bit later and Pha showed us the two rooms,  one was bigger and had a full bath attached, and the other room was smaller and had a half-bath attached to it. 

"you guys can pick where you wanna stay, this is my room so I'm staying in this one," Pha said as we walked into the bigger room. 

"I'll stay in the other," Forth said. 

Now it was awkward, I had to pick a room to stay in, stay with Pha, or stay with Forth. 

"Um, I'll stay with Forth," I said, I was always more comfortable around Forth than Pha. but I still love Pha as well as Forth. 

Pha nodded and Forth smiled, we went to our room and unpacked our stuff. And that's all that happened, we just sat around all day talking and watching movies until it was time to sleep. 

Until next time,

· Wayo ·

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