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Journal 1: Freshman Year

- page 12 - Wednesday - 06.05.15 - 5 pm

Finally !! I'm done with 4/6 of my finals! i just have 2 more tomorrow and then no more school till next semester (September 2015) Pha is still in class, Forth and Ming are still in their class, Kit and Beam are also in class, but all of the Fairy Angels are free so we're all hanging out at a restaurant near the school having dinner and waiting for the others to finish finals.

Ming, Forth, Beam, and Kit showed up around 6 while Pha didn't get here till 7.

"You ok Pha?" I asked he just looked extremely tired and stressed out.

"Tired, ive been up since 4 am," he leaned on Forth's shoulder since i was stuck in between Mon and Red.

"That early?" I didn't even realize he left that early this morning.

- back at home -

"Yo what are you doing? Go to sleep," Forth said walking over to where i was studying for my last 2 tests.

"I need to study," i said not taking my eyes off from my notes,

"Wayo, its 4 am you need to be to school in 2 hours---" Forth was cut off by Pha

"Meaning, go to sleep so you dont sleep during class," Pha said standing next to Forth.

Im not gonna win this argument...

"Alright," i put my stuff away then went to bed.

- couple hours later -

I ended up falling asleep during my 2nd final....so the teacher made me stay back for an extra 2 hours to re-take

I hate myself.

"F****t you done yet?" My teacher (who's also my Uncle) asked while sliping in his homophobic attitude aswell.

"Yes sir," i handed him my test and walked out of the room.

He'll fail me just cause Mom told him to probably. But this was an extra class it doesn't count towards graduation.

I walked out to the parking lot and waited for Pha to pick me up.

Someone came up behind me and hugged me, i was about to slap them but i turned around and it was Pha.

"You scared me," i said hugging him back.

"Sorry baby," Pha smiled and kissed my cheek,

"How was class?" He asked as we walked to Forth's class.

"Horrible," i said i never told them about the teacher being my uncle, or about the stuff he says/does just cause mom told him to.

"What do you mean?" He asked as he stoped walking and looked me in the eyes.

"I think I failed the test, its not a big deal though," i said and smiled a bit so he wouldn't be so worried.
He seemed to believe it and we kept walking.

Turns out he didn't believe me and as soon as we got back to my dorm (with Forth) he asked me what actually happened.
And being the very 'open' person that I am i told them everything. They were pissed but didn't do anything about it just yet.

"Tell us when that stuff happens ok?" Pha said putting his arm around me.

I nodded and got up to change out of my uniform.

"Yah! Forth stop staring i know we're dating but its awkward," Pha said

"Pha you were staring too so shut up," i said walking into the bathroom to take a shower

They kept arguing over it and by time i came out of the shower the two of them were making out on the couch (again) i just smiled and went back to the bathroom and looking to see if i had anymore hair dye.

I didn't have any left so i called Ming and had him buy me some on his way back to his dorm.

I walked back out and sat next to Pha on the couch, him and Forth still kissing.
It's not awkward or weird though, i just watched TV and waited for Ming.

"Wayo! I didnt know what color you wanted so I bought a few can i dye your hair please??? Also Pha! Forth! Stop eating each others faces please," Ming said going to my bathroom and putting the dye away.

"Sorry/you didnt have to look," Pha and Forth responded i then went over and hit Forth's shoulder

"What? He didn't have to," Forth said looking up at me for once i was taller since he was sitting down

"Anyway imma dye my hair stay away from the bathroom," i said to my boyfriends and then followed Ming with a towel so the dye doesnt get everywhere.

- couple minutes later my hair is half silver/gray ish and Ming left to buy some more dye -

"Hey," Forth came into the bathroom and hugged me from behind.

"What are you doing?" I asked leaning on him making sure he couldn't see my hair cuz i covered it with a towel.

"Nothing, just bored Pha's asleep,"

I nodded and turned around to hug him, I've always been a hugger, probably since i never really had much attention/affection growing up unless it was from Ming. i was never close with my family and im an only child... Sad i know...

Forth smiled and tried to see what color my hair was but i slapped his hand away.

"Wait till its done," i said and then hugged him again

"I love you," Forth said kissing my cheek

"I love you too, both of you." I replied hugging him.

Not Wanting to Fall but Falling AnyWay ( #WattPride )Where stories live. Discover now