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Journal 1: Freshman Year
(Continuation of page 9)

"You can't leave," Forth said hugging me,

"I have to....wait! I dont have to!" I completely forgot i could move in with Ming and his family..right?" I looked over at Ming who was still very mad at my mom for doing this.

"Dude if you move in guess what?" Ming said

I knew what he was gonna say

"We'll be brothers!" We both yelled and then started laughing.

"Perfect, but i still gotta call my grandparents and let them know," i said trying to get up but Pha was hugging me so i couldn't

"Pha, can you let go please?" I asked still struggling to get up

"Yeah, sorry baby," Pha kissed my cheek and then let go of me so i could get up.

I went over to my bed and sat down while i called my grandparents.

"Nǐ hǎo, nǎinai jiā?" (Hello is grandmother home?) My grandparents only speak chinese so naturally i learned the language so i could talk to them.

I talked with my grandma for awhile before she had to leave to make dinner,

"Wǒ ài nǐ," (i love you) then she hung up (after saying it back Ofcourse)

"Grandma said i could move in with you Ming," i was very happy now i wouldn't have to leave yet my grandpa will help me pay for the rest of this school year and for next year, all i have to do is pay the rent for the dorm and get a job.

"Yay!!" Ming tackled me in a hug

"C..cant bre...breathe," i hit Ming's shoulder so he could let go.

"Sorry," he got up and then helped me up but i got tackled by Forth and Pha cause they're happy their 'baby' isn't moving away.

I smiled and hugged them but then pushed them away cause i couldn't breathe.
Just saying if your going to tackle a small person like me please dont! Im very small and fragile.

The rest of the day Pha, Forth and I just cuddled and watched movies since it was too late to go out and do anything

"Does it hurt?" Forth asked when he noticed the bruise forming near my left eye from when my mom slapped me

"A little bit," i said i had ice on it but that hurt too much so i took it off

"It'll be there for awhile, im sure Kit could help you cover it up with make-up if you need to." Pha said laying back down with us, he got up to put the ice away.

I nodded and layed down in between my two boyfriends.

"I love you guys," i smiled and hugged them

"We love ya too," they responded and then we all fell asleep.

Well, i fell asleep those two kept watching movies and then went to sleep.

- next day -

"Let him sleep while i get some medicine to put on his bruise," Pha said getting dressed then leaving the room.

Forth nodded and layed back down

I rolled over a bit expecting to Accidently hit Pha but all i did was hit the floor

"Ow.." I whined then got back up and layed with Forth.

"You ok?" Forth asked moving my hair away from my eyes.

"Yeah just fell off the bed, where's Pha?" I asked since i noticed he wasnt here

"Went to get medicine for your bruise," he explained while pulling me closer to him

I smiled and went back to sleep for a bit hugging Forth.

Until next time,

❤ Wayo ❤

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