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Journal 1: Freshman Year
Page 7 - 01-06-15 7:45 am -
Back to school...yay...jk I think I'm sick...

I regret drinking...ok i don't.... but i do. But now i feel like shit, my head hurts, and i just wanna sleep all day. But Ming won't let me, he's beating on the door trying to wake me up.

"Go away I'm sleeping!" I yelled to Ming and the knocking stopped. And then Forth, Pha, and Ming walked into the room.

"Wake up loser," Ming said jumping  on me

"Ow..." I pushed Ming off me since he hit me in the rib and slapped my face.

"You alright Yo?" Pha asked sitting next to me after Ming got up, Forth doing the same and sitting on the other side of me.

"Tired and my head hurts," i said laying down again.

"I told you not to drink too much," Forth said playing with my hair.

"Blame Nate and Beam it was their idea," i said yawning cause im really tired.

"Go ahead and sleep babe, you don't have to go to class today if you're not feeling well," Pha said as he kissed my cheek. I nodded and ended up sleeping for awhile.

Pha and Forth both have classes today, Pha just left for his class while Forth is staying with me until he has to leave for his Sotus meetings. 

"did you actually drink too much or are you sick?" Forth asked as i coughed a bit

"I'm not sure, probably both," i said moving so i was leaning on his shoulder. 

Forth sat up and put his hand on my forehead checking if I had a fever.
By the look on his face im guessing i do.

"Do you have any medicine?" Forth asked, getting up and putting the blankets over me

"In the bathroom cabinet, if there isn't any go to Beam or Kit's room they should have some," i said hugging a pillow cause Forth got up

He nodded and went to look for medicine and i went back to watching TV and trying to sleep.

"imma go check if Kit has any, you alright?" Forth asked putting his shoes on. 

"I'll be alright you're just going down a floor," i said smiling and hugging my pillow.

"What happened to the panda you had?" Forth asked as he kissed my cheek.

"On the couch,"

He nodded and walked over to get the stufed animal ive had since i was 2.

"Yay" i smiled and hugged the panda after Forth handed him to me.

"I'll be back in a minute," Forth said then left to get the medicine.

Until Next Time,

❤ · Wayo · ❤

An: sorry its short

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