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One of my favourite holidays, right behind Halloween and my birthday. I'm still in my room watching TV waiting for Ming to call me. its a tradition we have to call each other on Christmas if we're not together. (we've done this every year since I was 15).

"Wayo, you awake?" Pha asked knocking on the door.

"Yeah," I asked sitting up looking over at him.

"breakfast is ready," he said opening the door.

I nodded, "I'll be down in a minute P'," he nods and then goes downstairs.

I got up and took a shower, got dressed, then went down and ate breakfast with Pha and Forth.

- couple hours later -

"you guys wanna open gifts?" Pha asked after the movie we were watching was over,

"yea/sure" Forth and I replied.

Pha got up and put the gifts in front of the couch where we're sitting.

Forth and Pha finished opening their gifts and then they both turned and looked at me,

"this is for you, เด็กทารก," Forth said handing me a box. Inside was the same bracelet him and Pha had and a very cute, cheesy note. I smiled as I read the last line,

' คุณจะเป็นแฟนของเรา ?' - Pha/Forth -  (will you be our boyfriend?)

I looked up at them and smiled, "yea I will P's"

They smiled and came over hugging me, well Pha hugged me and Forth kissed me. 

Best. Day. Ever.

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