15. End

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Journal 1: freshman year

Last day in this journal

06.07.15 8 am

I had just woke up when i noticed Forth and Pha staring at me

"Morning," i mumbled and layed my head on Forth's chest since i had woke up hugging Pha.

"Hey baby," Forth kissed me and then Pha did as well

I smiled and hugged them.

"How far do you guys live from here?" I asked

"About 3 hours," Forth replied

"Im just and hour away," Pha said

I nodded, " you guys have to come visit me," i said hugging them still

"Ofcourse we will baby," Pha said Forth nodded as well

We stayed together until Ming's dad got here to pick us up.

I was hugging Forth and Pha saying bye to them Ming was saying bye to our other friends

"Babe you know we'll call you," Pha said hugging me

"I know," i smiled and hugged him back before hugging Forth

And then i ended up making out with Forth and then Pha. I blushed when Ming started teasing me and his dad said it was time to go.

"I love you guys,"

"We love you you too เด็กทารก,"

Then we kissed again and i left with Ming

And that's how my freshman year ended

See you in the next Journal,

Until Next Time,

❤ Wayo ❤

An: sorry its not long, its short sweet and to the point thank you sooooooo much for reading

Love ya guys!

~ Dani 💙

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