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Journal 1: Freshman year
- page 9 04-19-15 -
2 more months and im done with school !! (Summer break)

Shit...its been...like 4 months i thought i lost this journal awhile ago and that scared me a lot. Turns out Beam had it and read through it, i dont mind though, there's nothing in here that people don't already know, as long as my family doesnt read this journal then im okay.

Things have been going really well lately, im passing all of my classes, i have a great group of friends (still), my boyfriends are the 2 best people in the world. Eveything is going great....

Until i got a call from my Mom,

She called me yesturday, saying her and dad wanted to come over and visit me for a few hours. I'm ok with that its just that...Forth moved into my dorm since his parents could no longer afford rent on his and i never told my parents he was living there as well..

Sure i could just say we're friends but how would i explain the sharing a bed, constantly cuddling, ya know being GAY and shit.

"Wayo you ok?" Kit asked as him and Beam sat next to me on the couch in Ming's dorm.

"Eh...define ok.." I looked up at them and they (like eveyone else) could automatically tell i wasn't ok.

"What happned?" Beam asked putting his hand on my shoulder, he's like my older brother and could always tell when something was wrong.

"Mom and dad want to come visit me...and i didn't tell them Forth moved into my dorm, or that im dating, or that i have 2 boyfriends, or that im gay... And im scared they're gonna hate me, which means disown me, which also means not paying for school, so then I'd have to drop out and move with my grandparents but they live in China and i don't wanna move, *sigh* i just don't know what to do..." I was panicking again Beam tried to calm me down but it wasn't working too well,

"Ming! Pha! Come here please," Kit yelled to the other 2 playing video games across the room. Forth was at a Sotus meeting ao he couldn't hang out with us right now.

"What's wrong?" Pha asked as he hugged me seeing me panic

Kit tells him what's happening and Pha tries to calm me down before Ming pushes him out of the way when i started crying.

"Sorry Pha but this is a best friend job" Ming apologized and hugged me.

"No its ok i undertand," Pha understood that there's just somethings that Ming has to help me with, this is one of them.

My phone starts ringing again so Ming answers

"Dude...its your Mom...," Ming whispered to me

I nodded and calmed down enough to talk to her.

"Hi Mom..." Her and i talked for a bit and then as soon as she hung up i hugged Pha and paniced a bit more.

She was here...and outside my room waiting for me.

"Let's go then, bring Ming too," Pha said kissing me then holding my hand and walking to my room letting go once we got to my floor.

"Mom," i said and waved acting like everythings ok.

"Aww how's my little boy?" She smiled and hugged me, i could tell the smile was fake.

I unlocked the door and immediately saw Forth coming out from the shower.

"Hey ba...Wayo!" Forth corrected himself when he saw my Mom .

"Who's this?" Mom asked shaking Forth's hand and then Pha's and then hugged Ming

"These are my P's that helped me with the Moon competition, this is Forth and Phana," i introduced them to my mom

"Why was he in your room?" She was starting to get pissed off already and im scared.

"He got locked out of his room and i told him he could stay here till the locksmith came to unlock the door," i lied and she believed it.

"Ah, be more responsible next time kid," she said with a fake smile.

He nodded and sat with Ming and Pha on the couch.

- couple hours later -

"So son, dating anyone yet? Your almost 25 you need to marry soon," Mom asked, her and the whole family have pressured me to get married by 25 otherwise they would force me into an arranged marriage.

"Not yet Mom i want to focus on my studies this year, maybe by the end of the year ill finally find a girl,"  i said making her believe that would happen.

"Good, otherwise im forcing you to marry Marcie," mom threatened.

I shivered and shook my head no,

"Please don't you know how much i hate her," i begged my mom not to pick her.

"Alright I'll find someone else," she was lying anyone could see that,

"Um kids, could you step out for a moment i need to talk to Wayo alone," mom said looking at Ming/Forth/Pha.

They nodded and walked out for a minute.

"Alright, why didnt you tell me?" Mom was dead serious now

"Tell you what?" I asked nervous

"About you being gay? Dont you know how wrong that is?" She was REALLY pissed off now i just looked away and didn't say anything...

She went on for another 3 hours lecturing me on it before telling me to pack my things and call my grandparents to tell them im moving in...

Why did this have to happen now?
I was in tears by now as my Mom slapped me and then walked out door glaring at Ming.. Then she was gone.

Pha and Forth rushed in and saw me on the floor crying

"Baby, what happned?" Pha lifted me up and set me on Forth's lap so they could both hug me .

I told them everything and i swear ive never seen them madder in the 2 years ive known them.

"You can't leave," Forth said hugging me,

"I have to....wait! I dont have to!" I completely forgot i could move in with.......

To be Continued....

Until Next time

❤ Wayo ❤

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