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Continuation of 7.
Journal 1: Freshman year
- 01-10-15 - 9:45 pm -
Movies, food, and cuddles 😄

"Anyone wanna go with me to get food?" Ming asked,

"I would but i can't move..." I said. Forth fell asleep hugging me.

"Nope you stay here, um...KitKat!! Come with me pleaseeeeeee!!" Ming begged our friend by trying to be cute.

"No." Kit replied

"This is gonna take forever," Beam said getting up and shoving Ming and kit out the door.

"Ming's in love with P'kit," i said the angels left awhile ago so it was just Ming-Kit-Forth and I.

"Seriously??" Beam was shook and was fanboying which woke Forth up.

"You ok P?" I asked looking at Forth

"Beam's fanboying woke me up." Forth mumbled sitting up and hugging me while playing with my hair.

"I didn't even notice you're kind of blonde now," Forth commented

"Yeah, the pink wore out, i need to dye it again later,"

"What color?" Beam asked

"Hm....i don't know yet." I replied

"What about silver?" Forth asked

"Eh it's an option," i smiled cause it didn't sound like a bad idea.

We sat there watching movies and talking about random stuff until Beam left to go see what was taking MingKit so long.

I was getting tired so i layed down and cuddled into my blankets

"How are you feeling?" Forth asks laying next to me

"I'm fine Forth, i finished my medicine so i should be ok." I said moving over and hugging him.

"Thats good i--" Forth was cut off by my phone ringing

"Hi P," i smiled as i answered the video-call from Pha

"Hey เด็กทารก, hi babe," Pha smiled as he said hi.

"Hey Pha," Forth smiled and held the phone so Pha could see us both.

"What are you guys doing?" He asked Pha was laying in his bed as well he just finished work and looks tired af.

"I've been with the Angels most of the week before P came back," i said cuddling closer to Forth cause I'm starting to get tired
Forth pulled me closer to him and kept talking to Pha.

"Losers we're back!" Ming yelled.

"Shut up Wayo's sleeping," Forth yelled to the others.

"Sorry..." They said and kept watching movies and eating while Forth stayed with me while I slept.

Until Next time

❤ Wayo ❤

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