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Journal 1: Freshman Year -


- 01-5-15 11 pm - Saturday - 

its been awhile, sorry i haven't written much the past few weeks, 

sjcdjhdshsad *scribbles everything out*

again with the apologizing to myself when i write, i think i have a problem... but lets focus on that later, for now I'm just hanging out with Ming and my boyfriends, Ming and Pha left a few minutes ago to buy us lunch so it was just Forth and I watching TV and cuddling. (just being cute af)

- couple hours later- 

*knock knock*

"P' open the door," I mumbled to Forth since he was awake and playing games on his phone while I was trying to sleep.

"Yes sir," Forth laughed and got up to answer the door.

"I finished setting up, what's เด็กทาร doing?" Pha asked walking into the dorm.

"I'm asleep," I said turning over in bed and smiling at Pha.

"You're asleep huh?" Pha said sitting next to me and ruffling my hair.

"Mhmm," I smiled and cuddled up to Pha so I was sitting on his lap and he hugged me from behind. Forth came over and sat next to Pha and hugged me as well.

"You awake enough to go out?" Pha asked when he kissed my forehead.

"Hm...yeah, let me shower first," they nodded and I got up and went to shower after getting my clothes,

I walked out of the bathroom while drying my hair to see Forth and Pha making out, I just kinda laughed at them and went back to the bathroom to do my hair.

"Jealous?" Forth and Pha were standing in the doorway now,

"Nope,"I smiled and blow-dried my hair

"You sure?" Pha asked.

"Mhm," I nodded, Pha came up behind me and put his arms around my waist with his head on my shoulder, Forth came up next to me and helped style my hair.

"เด็กทารก," Pha said, I turned to look at him not realizing how close he was to me, and we ended up kissing...MY "FIRST" KISS !!! OH MAN HOLY SHIT !!! It lasted for a few seconds before Forth turned me around and kissed me,

Pha's lips were a bit rougher while Forth's were softer, I liked it. 😜

Forth moved away with a slight smirk and I just blushed as pink as my hair. Pha smiled and kissed Forth while I finished doing my hair and getting ready to go out with my boyfriends.

(Outfits above)

Forth and Pha, they. look. HOT in these suits, and I'm not looking too bad myself.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we got into Pha's car,

"Somewhere," Pha said.

Forth laughed a held my hand from the passenger seat, I was sitting in the back.

- at Pha's beach house -

"Baby, wake up," Forth said trying to wake me up. I fell asleep on the way here.

*insert cute puppy yawning* I yawned and stretched before getting out of the car and looking around. 

"What are we doing here?" I asked leaning onto both of them as I was still tired from just waking up a few minutes ago.  

"Go inside and find out," Pha said handing me the key, I'm confused but i walked up to the door and opened it anyway,  

"SURPRISE!!" All of  my friends yelled as i turned on the light.

I was shook. I turned around and hugged Pha and Forth,

"Did you guys plan this?" I looked up at them.

"We had some help," Pha said pointing to the Fairy Angels, Lam, Ming, Beam, and Kit.

"Thank you guys," i smiled and enjoyed my BirthDay party, and yes, everyone is/got drunk.

Until Next Time
❤ · Wayo · ❤

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