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Journal 1: Freshman Year
- page 9: 01-11-15 -
Phana's home !!!!

I woke up before Forth surprisingly, usually he has to wake me up. I sat up and checked my phone since that's what woke me up.

+ text from MPHA 💜 +

MPHA: I'm on my way back you guys want me to bring breakfast?

BWAYO: Yayayay and yes please bring food!!

MPHA: ok baby, is Forth awake?

BWAYO: no, he's still sleeping *sends pic of Forth sleeping*

MPHA: awww 😍

BWAYO: mhm 😄

MPHA: alright babe, I'll be there in an hour, wake Forth up if you need anything

BWAYO: ok see you soon!! We love you !! 💜

MPHA: love ya too baby

+ no more texts +

I layed back down next to Forth and went back to sleep waiting for Pha.

- couple hours later -

"Wayo, Forth, wake up.. " Pha tried to wake us up.

I woke up and rubbed my eyes while Pha woke Forth up.

"Forth..wake up babe," Pha said playing with his hair

"I got this Pha," i said and then punched Forth's arm

"What the hell?" Forth mumbled rubbing his arm.

"Hey babe," Pha smiled and kissed his cheek

"Hey Pha," Forth smiled and hugged the older.

"Hey cute little being ingored over here," i was joking and smiled both Forth and Pha then attacked me in hugs and kisses. 

"ok too much attention" i said while laughing a bit.

"You're too cute baby " Pha said hugging me then letting go so we call could eat breakfast

AN: sorry its hella short im very busy these next few days but ill have at least 2 more (longish) chapters up by Monday

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