Part 6

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Yuya's POV

Last night was amazing. Yuto walked me back to the front door and kissed the top of my head. He's such a gentleman. What can I expect though he is a prince? I think I'm dating a prince. Oh no! I launched myself out of the bed and ran into my sisters room. "Emi problem!"

I heard grunting from underneath the blanket. "It's 7:00 on a weekend," she murmured. 

I growled before ripping the blanket off her. "Up!" I demanded pulling her by the arm.

"Yuya I will kill you," She grunted. "What do you want?"

"I'm in too deep now," I moaned  as I sat on her bed. "I should have told him last night about me being a guy."

My sister nodded sleepily before placing a hand on my shoulder. She nuzzled up to me before blowing in my ear sending shivers down my spine.  "If you like him I'll tell him the truth," she told me." I wish it was that easy but it's not. "You did look cute in my old costume though. But now I want pancakes."

"Yeah me too," I laughed. She's good at changing the subject when it's needed. I pulled her up and we made our way downstairs. Usually I'd take the pole but Emi looked like she was going to trip over her own feet at any moment. Snap!

I cringed as a light flashed in my eyes. What's going on? I looked up to see a Leo School Rep in front of us with a camera man. "Yuya, Emi these people are from the Arc League report team and are going to do an interview  with you both about the up coming tournament," mom explained. "Isn't it exciting?"

"Pancakes," Emi mumbles with a pout. "Then interview."

"What do you want Yuya?" Mom asked pinching my cheeks.

"I'll take an extra big stack of pancakes too!" I cheered. Guess my Yuto problem can wait a little while, first food.

As we ate out pancakes, the hair and make up people tried to make us look presentable for the camera. "So, I want to know the rivalry between you two?" The reporter asked. "Seeing as you are siblings."

"It's healthy," I replied taking a large bite. "We duelled all the time as kids so the only difference is a competition."

"So as You Show's children do you feel that you have huge expectations to live up to?" The reporter continued.

I frowned. I should have guessed This question was coming. Truth was I didn't want to be dad, I wanted to out perform him so I knew my answer. I smiled looking up, "I want to put on such a performance that even my dad will be able to smile."

The reported sensed to have a smile on her face as she typed down my answer. "Emi?"

"As long as Yuya smiles, that's all I've ever wanted," she sighed happily winking at me. "As a big sister it's my duty to make him smile."

I blushed, it's true my sister has done everything to make me happy, even going along with me pretending I'm a girl. "Thanks sis," I muttered.


After a couple of hour, we were done with a photoshoot and mom had gone out so I plucked up the courage to invite Yuto over. Fortunately he didn't have anything to do so I thought why not invite him over for lunch. I touched my cheek feeling them heat up at the memory of Yuto kissing them. What if he tried to kiss me? My first kiss, with Yuto? It would be a dream come true!

I snapped out of my thoughts as the door bell rang. I ran over answering it and seeing Yuto standing there. "Hi," I murmured.

"You look," he took a small breath before continuing. "Wow."

My sister convinced me to change into a slightly girlier outfit of a knee length skirt and a sailor inspired top. I giggled pulling Yuto into the house and to the sofa. "I have a couple of movies to watch today if you want." I asked playing with my hands.

"Say Yuka," I looked up to see Yuto blushing. "I've been thinking of this for a while and well, can I kiss you?"

My face reddened. K-Kiss me? Of course! Yuto began to lean in, I said that out loud huh? I felt his breath against my lips before he closed the gap. His lips were moist and soft. He placed his hands behind my back and pulled me closer. I wrapped my hands around his neck and the kiss deepened. This is the best moment of my life! I felt stomach knot as we pulled each other closer. It was like neither of us wanted to let go. Yuto pulled away slowly, he eyes half open like mine were. I blushed more, that was heaven. His eyes diverted down in embarrassment I assumed. He cocked an eyebrow in confusion. "W-wait! Yuka are you actually a boy?" He gasped.

I looked down in confusion, oh dear pendulum! I am a healthy teenager and right now I was showing that. I seemed I got excited and the boy side of me was showing it. "I-I can explain!"

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