Part 26

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Yuya's POV

Mom couldn't stop showering my cheeks with kisses as we all stood before the entrance. "Okay mom this is embarrassing," I moaned trying to push her off.

We both just laughed as she kissed by cheek one last time. "I'm just very proud of my baby boy," She smiled widely. "Do your best and show everyone your amazing smile!"

"I'm afraid that won't be happening," That voice. We all turned to see Prince Declan accompanied by his body guard. "Due to the nature of lasts night attack, I cannot allow the tournament to continue. This has been agreed with his Majesty of Paradise kingdom." I looked at Yuto who seemed almost guilty. I grabbed hold of his hand, stroking it with my thumb. Declan continued to explain today would be an exhibition match between Jack Atlas from Syncro and Kite from XYZ. "By order of his majesty you have been ordered to attend a meeting with him this evening. From there he will shine more light on the situation. Please be ready for the cars to escort you at 17:30."

With that Declan left and we were all stunned. Where do we go from here? The Arc League has been cancelled, what are we expected to do? Well, I guess we go home and wait for the cars. I looked up to see my mom with a sad smile on her face. "Mom," I asked. "Are you okay?"

She gave a nod. "Of course," She said. "Why don't you kids come back to ours for while? We could all do with some cheering up, I think."

Mom seems a bit off. She only ever seems this way when someone mentions dad. When he left, my mom was broken for months before she finally smiled. A part of her healing was rescuing strays and somehow, we ended up with 6 so far. I don't think mom realises a pet won't be able to give her the same kind of love dad could.


In the end, Yuto and Yugo came back to our place, Ray and Yuzu went back home with Skip while Crow and Shay said they needed to do some investigation into this whole thing further. Emi groaned as she hung up the phone, since we got back she's been trying to contact Suzuha. Texts, voice messages, video calling, she tried it all. "Still no luck?" Yuto asked as he grabbed his tea from the table. "Perhaps she stayed for the exhibition match."

"Suzuha would tell me," Emi sighed lying on the floor. "She's not answered my calls. Remember about 3 years ago when i had a panic attack at 2:43am and she still picked up and brought a tub of ice cream with her."

That was very true. I placed a finger on my chin as I tried to think where she could have gone. "I haven't heard from Crow," Yugo muttered, trying to get my attention. "Where ever he and Shay have gone off to is beyond me."

"Maybe they went to go look for Yuto's Dark Rebellion," I brought up the idea which made Yuto seem a bit hopefully. "Perhaps if we find it and get the person who has it, we have a better chance of knowing what's going on."

"How about we watch a movie?" Yugo suggested. "To get our minds off things and pass the time?"

We all agreed and mom decided that now would be a good time to try out her chocolate popcorn recipe. Yugo move position, deciding to sit on the sofa chair while I sat on the sofa with Yuto's head in my lap. He's still been a bit off since losing Dark Rebellion. Last night I heard him mutter the word 'bond' a few times. I haven't taken any notice of it but I'm wondering if I should. I mean, would the same thing happen to Yugo if he lost Clear Wing? Lately, I don't know what to think.

"Um Yuya," Emi nudged my shoulder slightly. Suddenly I noticed soft snores from my lap and the sofa. "Seems our guests are sleep. Why don't you go take a nap?"

I looked down to see Yuto sleeping peacefully. As much as I don't want to move him, I really want my bed. "Can you call me when lunch is ready?" I asked carefully moving forward as not to disturb Yuto.

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