Part 7

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Yuto's POV

I moved away from Yuka in a fright. "You are a boy?" I yelled. "Why lie to me?"

I could see 'Yuka' trembling. He tried to touch me but I smacked his hand away. "Please," tears started to fall from his eyes. "Please I want to explain."

"Don't bother," I growled grabbing my coat and leaving in a haste. I pulled my phone out and text Shay to get my from the pier. Damn it! To think I was falling for a fraud all along. I felt tears roll down my cheeks. "Damnit," I cried. I was falling for Yuka hard that's why, that's why I asked to kiss her. I wanted her as my first kiss. Damnit, how could I have been tricked so easily?

It didn't take long for Shay to meet up with me at the pier. "Date didn't go so well huh?" He sighed placing a hand on my shoulder,

"You could say that," I shrugged going to make my way into the car.

"Wait!" Shay and I turned to see Emi running towards us. She stopped in front of us heavily panting. "P-please listen to me!"

I bit my lip as she kneeled down, he hands tight to her chest. "Why should I listen!" I yelled grabbing her by the wrist forcing her to look me in the face. "I was made a fool! Your sister made me a fool."

Shay tried to pull me back as Emi whimpered. "No," she cried. "Yuya just wanted to be with you! You have to believe me." I threw her to the ground. 'Yuya'? That was the brats name. "Yuya had never asked for anything nor ever wanted for anything. He really liked you and I went along with his silly plan. But you thought he was a girl so he wasn't sure how else to make his move!"

I gritted my teeth as I went for her again. She flinched but before my hand made impact Shay stopped me. "Sire, I suggest we go." I whipped my hand back and proceed to the car Shay following close behind. "I hate to tell you."

But he did, he was right all along. I shouldn't have gotten involved with someone outside my class. "Let's just go back to the hotel," I murmured.


I threw my coat onto the sofa and let my body flop on the nearby bed. If I'm so angry at him, why can't I stop thinking about Yuya. That was his name right? I can't get over his smile and how it made my heart skip. Now I'm sounding like a love sick puppy. "You going to explain why you assumed he was a girl?" I sat up straight seeing Lulu with a comforting smile on her face. I blushed deeply. It was actually all my fault thinking about it. When I feel on top of him, I thought I could feel breast. Perhaps Yuya had something in his pocket? "Well that's your mistake isn't it?" She laughed sitting next to me. I couldn't help but blush deeper. "I think maybe you were a bit rash."

"He lies to me," I argued.

"You also hurt his sister from what Shay tells me," she raised an eyebrow with that 'you know I'm right' look. I sighed admitting defeat. I jumped as I felt a vibration on my phone. It was a picture message from Yuk - Yuya. It was of the two of us the night we went to Emi's exhibition match. Underneath was a small message of, No one has made me smile that big in years. I'm sorry I hope you can forgive me.

Now I am the real idiot! "He seems to really care about you," Lulu said pulling me into a hug. "I believe love shouldn't matter whether your a man or woman. Perhaps you guys can start over."

I felt myself release the tears I'd been holding onto. Lulu was right, I shouldn't let a simple mistake hold back from my happiness.

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