Part 30

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Yuri's POV

"She's my sister," I said looking at Suzuha. "Please get off her."

Suzuha lost her calm deminer as she quickly jumped off the girl. It was true, the girl was indeed my real sister, Emiko. I never told Yugo or Yuto this, but when I turned fifteen, something inside me changed. I started to have dreams about another life I had, one that was far from being royalty and eventual I realised they were memories.  I leant down, looking at Emiko in the eyes. We really didn't look much alike. He hair was short and brown and her eyes deep blue, well some of our facial features were similar.

She seemed hesitant at first before reaching forward and grabbing my hand. I yelped as I was pulled into a tight hug. "I didn't think you remembered me," She whispered.

"How could I forget you?" I whispered back. I pulled away from her, both of us just smiling. "Welcome home sis."

"This is getting weirder," Yuya commented as he held onto Yuto's jacket. "So, you're not brothers yet weirdly enough, you have a sister?"

I stood up, pulling my sister up with me. Strange, last I saw her she towered over me and now I'm taller then she is. "I will explain everything," We turned seeing Yuusho at the end of the corridor. "Suzuha, have the maids prepare some morning tea."

"R-right away sire!" With that she quickly dashed off.

After an hour, we found ourselves in a reception room, occupied with a large fireplace. I found myself resting my head on Emiko's lap, being pat on the head, almost as if I were a rabbit, while the others sat on various sofas and chairs. I missed this feeling.

My eyes followed as the maids poured the tea for everyone, extra sugar being placed my own cup. This was a soothing moment until 'Hugo' ruined it. I grunted, my eyes looking to direction of the noise and watching as Crow tried to pull Yugo into the room, who was currently holding on the door frame.

Out of the three of us, he's struggling with this new change the most. Though of course he would, he felt left out as it was and now, he's scared to learn about who he truly is. Eventually Shay helped in retrieving Yugo from the doorway and he and Crow sat him down. "Stupid Hugo!" I laughed.

"It's YUGO!" He screamed and Crow had to calm him down.

"Yuri be nice," Emiko warned in a soothing tone. I nodded and tried to get myself comfortable once again. "Good morning Yugo."

Yugo ignored the greeting, merely looking at the floor. You can definitely tell he is not royalty.  "Now then," Yuusho begin, clearing his throat. "I would like to introduce Emiko Venom. She is, as previously said Yuri's older sister. Well in this life she is."

"This life?" Yuto questioned.

Yuusho nodded. "Yes, it appears when Zarc was resurrected into this world, some legendary duellists were reborn also," He explained and I looked up at my sister.

"I was reborn as Yuri's older sister," She explained to everyone. "It seems that whatever power is fighting against Zarc wished for myself and others to be reborn to help the duellists chosen by the true Duel Kings."

"I'm lost," Yuya whined.

"Me too," Crow agreed.

"This was all a bit of a shock to myself," Yuusho laughed. "That was until I met Yuto's mother, Heba."

"H-heba," Yuto stuttered, most likely taken back by hearing his mother's name for the first time in years.

"Heba was a good friend of mine once upon a time," The king sighed. "She was beautiful but when she turned fifteen, she thought she was going crazy when the dreams of her past lives came about. The she remembered. She offered herself for this mission, to help save the world. Originally her brother was the one to be reincarnated but this had already happened to him before so she took up the role herself. Heba has lived two lives previously herself; one as an Egyptian princess and the other as a young teenager in Japan."

"Anyway, as I should explain. The original Duel Kings; Yugi Motou, Jaden Yuki and Yusei Fudo. Each provided with a special power that has now, been needed again. As Heba explained to me, this power would be passed onto three children who would use these powers to defeat Zarc. These children are of course you three boys."

"You boys were kidnapped by Zarc in order to keep your powers for himself," Emiko began to explain. "Then with the help of Yuusho, we've been putting together a plan to take Zarc down. It's just a shame that we couldn't have done this sooner. For that, I'm sorry."

I looked up as I felt something wet against my cheek. I sat up, hugging her tightly. "Emiko," Yuto sighed. "You and everyone else are doing more than enough. Please don't be sorry."

"Yuto's right," Yuya chirped up.  "You and everyone else must be working really hard."

"Shut up!" I scowled, looking over to Yugo. "My life is being turned upside down and you expect me to believe it's because I have some 'king's' power! I hate this!"

With that said he left. Emiko went to go after him but I decided to go instead. It took me a while to find him before I found him down a small corridor, huddled into a ball. I sighed as I leant down to him. He's sobbing uncontrollably and I don't know how to calm him down. I gulped, what can I do? He looked up at me, his cheeks tear stained and eyes puffy. He opened his mouth, ready to tell me to go away but before he could I leant forward, kissing him full on the lips.

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