Part 5

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Yuto's POV

I laughed at the text before pressing send. Kidding. But seriously telling someone you're a prince isn't the first thing that comes to mind when you meet them. 

I know Yuka isn't a boy. Man she is cute. Her smile, her laugh. I hope she doesn't hate me now for not telling her I was a prince. As a child my father told me to stay out of the public eye until the time was right. Now we've been invited to a Duel Tournament and it couldn't be helped. My advisor Shay and his sister Lulu were invited also. They've been good friends to me since I was a small child and when I told Lulu about Yuka she insisted on Meeting her. She told me how cute she was and that her sister was really nice too.

I felt my phone buzz and I looked at the message. Hahaha yeah, cool. So when can I see you again? Eager? Let's see, I don't have anything tomorrow, so maybe I could plan a lunch with her. "What's got you so happy?" I heard shay ask. "Oh I see its that Yuka girl again huh? I've never seen you act like this about anyone before."

"Well maybe she's special," I grinned.

"Or the one," Shay laughed punching my arm. He leaned over the back of the sofa. "In all seriousness though, you know you can't go marrying a commoner."

I sighed, it's true. Being a prince isn't easy especially when you're expected to marry a princess or someone of noble blood. Yuka is different though. She's passionate when she talks about dueling and caring towards her family. I really do like her. I turned back to my phone and text her about tonight being an option.

It mustn't have been 60 seconds before I felt the buzz. Really? Cool, my sister has a duel exhibition today at her college if you want to tag along? She can get us in a private part of the hall so no one will bother you.

I couldn't help but smile. It sounds interesting plus I could see the level of talent in this town. What time? I'll come by and pick you up from your house.

"Seriously Yuto be careful how close you get to this girl," Shay moaned. "If you guys can't be together in the end, I don't want to tell you I told you so."

I know Shay is only trying to look out for me but I can't help it. Yuka is just so perfect I can't stay away.


I waited just outside of Yuka's house, leaning of the boot of the car. She told me to dress casual so I've just decided a plain white shirt and black jeans were good enough. "Sorry to keep you waiting." I looked before me noticing how beautiful Yuka looks din a light pink dress. A little pink bow sitting in her hair. "Hey it's rude to stare."

"S-Sorry," I mumbled. She laughed as she handed me a sailor hat. "What's this?"

"It's the cheerleading outfit for my sister," she smiled. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "My sister and I are both training to be dueltainers. She has more of a theme then I do."

"Sure." I laughed placing the hat on my head. "Look good?"

"Very," Yuka grabbed my hand. "Shall we get going?"


"Hey you made it," Emi waves us over to a booth which looked like it was a part of the hall. We walked in, Yuka still holding my hand. "You guys are my guests so can stay in here tonight. Look after them vice captain Suzuha!"

"Aye aye!" Said a girl with two broads sitting of the computer. I'm going to assume that she's Suzuha. "Don't worry Yuto I won't tell anyone you're here."

"It's much appreciated," I said with a small bow.

Emi hummed as she went to the fridge in the corner of the room and handed me and Yuka a drink. "I hope soda is okay Yuto."

"It's wonderful thank you," I don't think I've ever had a soda before. I looked down at the cold can in my hands.

"Anyway I need to get changed, make yourselves comfortable," Emi said walking out the room and closing the door behind.

"Your sister really goes all out?" I asked Yuka who gave a nod.

"Yeah she always makes sure I have the best seats in the house." Yuka said pulling me to the sofa next to the large viewing window. "She and I used to practice our routines together all the time when dad left."

"Oh I'm sorry about your dad." I whispered.

"No it's okay." Yuka sighed placing her head on my shoulder. "We don't know where he is but I know he wouldn't have just left."

I grabbed Yuka's hand tighter. She's so brave going though so much. I know I shouldn't get close but I can't help it. Yuka is just pure perfection.

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