Part 27

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Yuya's POV

Half-five quickly approached as we noticed the cars Declan had previously mentioned pull up outside the house. "Looks like we better head over there," Yugo moaned as he fixed his jacket. "Personally, would have preferred to take my bike."

"It might be best that you don't," Yuto said bluntly. "I don't believe the king would appreciate that."

Yugo simply pouted as we made our way to the cars. I was confused but mom insisted she join us to the King's palace. I figured she's just a bit worried about what's going to happen to us, so am I. After my 'dream' I've been shaking like a leaf. Yuto had to try calm me down in the bathroom after lunch. It may or may not have involved some kissing but that's beside the point. Whoever that woman was wants me to save Yuto from his 'father' or whoever that person is that everyone calls 'king of the neutral kingdom'.

As we arrived at the entrance we were met by Ray, Yuzu and Celina, looking just as confused as we all did. "Ray," Emi started. "Have you heard from Suzuha?" Ray shuck her head, making Emi worry. "I hope she's okay. Since last night I've not really been able to speak to her and to top it off Crow and Shay aren't picking up either."

Ray raised an eyebrow. "Can't say I know," She sighed placing a hand on Emi's shoulder. "But I'm sure she's fine."

Emi just nodded and went quiet. I don't blame her. Since we were kids, Ray, Suzhuha and Yuzu have been in our lives. "Say Yuya," Yuzu said grabbing my attention. "Do you know what's going on?"

I shuck my head. I had as much understanding now as I did this morning, even after that dream. I looked around, noticing that Ryo was missing as well as Aster. I felt a hand wrapped around mine, I smiled up at Yuto. I loved how comforting he was for me. The way his hand melded into mine felt magical somehow. I noticed his face was a little flushed, similar to when we, how to say it, intimate, in the bathroom before. I wonder, is this something to do with Dark Rebellion being taken away. Suddenly, the large double doors opened, showing Suzuha in what seemed to be a knight uniform standing tall. "His majesty will see you now," Her face and tone were monotone as we all followed her in. I looked around as we walked, the castle was truly grand and somehow felt familiar. It's like I've walked these halls before. Suzuha stopped, making us stand still as we entered the hall. Before us there was a shadowy figure, sitting on a throne. "Honoured guests," Suzuha began turning towards us. "I would like to introduce the King of Paradise Kingdom, Yusho Sakaki!"

My eyes widened and the lights shone down on the figure. I tried to open my mouth to speak but no words came out. I felt Yuto squeeze my hand. "That's my dad," I finally spoke.

"Welcome my guests," Dad started standing with his signature smile. "I'm sure you have plenty of questions."

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