Part 18

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Emi's POV

Two days, in two days the Arc League begins and this year I'm in the same division as Yuya. It's been many years since we last duelled each other in a major tournament and honestly, Yuya still can't beat me. Not to toot my own horn but It's true. Recently I have noticed his skills improving with his pendulum summoning however that's all he seems to have. I tried to encourage him to focus more on including other summoning techniques which would benefit greatly from pendulum summons such as syncro or XYZ but he seems a bit distracted lately.

He told me the situation with Yuto and all I can hope is that Yuto keeps his promise or else he's losing Yuya. There won't be another chance. I looked up, noticing how the stars shined. I used to get told I lived with my mind in the stars because of my shining personality. Dad sure was cheesy, I laughed. How did he ever get a strong headed woman like mom? "Miss Emi," I blinked looking to my left. The park but who called me. Suddenly I saw Ryo appear. I nearly jumped out my skin. You should not wear dark colours in a park! That's how you get put onto a register. "Sorry but what are you doing out here?"

"Shouldn't you know?" I grinned, I knew all about him following Yuya and I like Crow was. I'm not dumb. I sighed before responding. "I needed a walk; the Arc league is in two days but a lot has been happening so I needed to clear my mind. You?"

"I went to the super heavy dojo today," oh, he went to Gong's Dojo. "It felt nostalgic."

"Crow told me what happened," I said taking a seat on the wall facing away from him. "I heard rumours but I didn't think it was true."

Ryo sat next to me, facing the other direction. "He is a babbler mouth," Ryo laughed lightly. "But he's been a good friend."

"You know," I started and he faced me. "It's weird how you and Crow get along but the brothers can't."

Ryo sighed scratching the back of his head. "Well you see, it's because even if the princes don't get along someone has to from each kingdom." And he's lost me! "Me, Crow and the girls all get along, it's our job to look after the princes. I even get along with Shay from time to time."

Oh, I get it know. To keep the peace, the attendees and the advisors maintain a friendship so from there a basic relationship can be re-established when the kingdoms become one. I place a finger on my chin, trying to work out why all these things were happening. Especially why Yuya and I are now involved. "Want to go on the swings?"

I can't help but giggle. This guy is really weird but he's also interesting too. It's a nice combination. He led me over to the nearby swings, I sat down and he started to push me. This is the most I've been around Ryo and I got to say, he's a nice guy despite how we met. "Hey not too hard," I squealed as I went to high.

He grabbed onto the seat stopping the motion. "Sorry, guess I got lost in thought," turning to him I gave a reassuring smile. "since I left my home, I've felt lost and this is the most normal I've felt for a while."

I held my chest to my hands. What is it to be normal? I'm a trainee duel-tainer with a little brother who dresses up as a girl, a mom obsessed with rescuing animals and a dad whose been MIA for 8 years. "How about I tell you a secret?" I winked and he nodded taking a seat on the other swing. "I haven't duelled in the Arc league for 2 years."

"But aren't you-"

"I'm known for winning various leagues but the Arc league, no," I admitted and rolled up my left trouser leg revealing a small scar. "This happened my first and only year of the Arc league." I didn't cry as I told him my story. During the championship final of my first senior Arc league, I'd won the duel however there was a malfunction in the Arc system, which caused me to fall for the artificial building, and braking both my legs. I spent months in hospital, along with endless operations and physiotherapy sessions to walk again. "Yuya worried sick over me for months, he didn't need that type of stress. I felt so useless that experience now contributes to why I'm a push over."

"You're not a push over," He said. "You're just caring towards him. From what I've seen, you're an amazing big sister. Not only to Yuya but to all the kids. Allie, Nate, Fredrick even Yuzu, they all love you."

I blushed. That was one of the nicest things ever said to me, I started to play with my hair. "What about you? Do you have any brothers or sisters?"

"Me?" Ryo said. "I'm an only child but the others in the dojo felt like family. We were always laughing during training. I had a couple of cousins but I'm not sure where they are."

We sat in silence for a while. After a while I decided to open my mouth to speak but was interrupted, "Hey guys." We looked and saw Crow in front of us. "What you up too? Some secret date or something?"

"N-nono," I stammered covering my obvious blush. "I was just out for a walk is all!"

Crow shrugged and laughed with a big grin. Ryo bid a quick goodbye leaving me with Crow. Crow sighed at Ryo's behaviour and offered to walk me home, seeing as I'm late now. Mom is going to kill me. The walk was pretty fast, I needed to get back ASAP or I'm probably grounded. "Say listen," Crow's voice was hushed. "I have something to ask."

"Go ahead," I smiled as we reached the house.

"Say if I asked you on a date, would you go with me?" I blushed deeply as did he. This is the first time anyone ever asked me out. "L-look you don't have to answer."

I raised my hands trying to calm him, "wait, it's just because I've never been asked out before," I defended my silence. "It's a bit new to me."

Crow just smiled and placed a hand on my head. He told me I could give him an answer after the Arc League was over. I walked into the house after he left, Yuya's bedroom was light was on and I could hear him practicing his duel-taining lines. He sounds just like dad. Bzzt, I reached into my pocket pulling out my phone. A text from Ryo saying he had a nice time tonight. I felt my heart skip a beat. Why do I fell this way? I felt embarrassed when Crow mentioned a date but a simple text form Ryo makes me feel happy? What am I going to do?

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