Part 13

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Yuto's POV

I sighed heavily, looking at the time I started to wish I didn't agree to go to Yugo's rented duel facility. Since we were children all he's ever do is take what I have and I'm sure Yuya will be no different.

What people don't know is that Yugo, Yuri and I are brothers. Same father different mothers, our mothers were the princesses of our kingdoms and we're all asked to bare a child of the king from the neutral kingdom in hopes of one day bringing all the kingdoms into one. That's what my mother told me anyway. We grew up together until I was about 11 and then we all moved to our retrospective kingdoms. I'm the oldest as I'm about to turn 17, Yugo has just turned 16 and then Yuri is the youngest at 15.

I heard a soft knock at my door. "Yes," I replied.

"Yuya is here," shay's voice rang back and he let Yuya in. 

I smiled as he ran straight into my arms. Guess he realised I've been a bit off. "Good morning," I laughed patting his head. "You okay beautiful?"

He didn't answer instead he pushed me down onto the bed and kissed me full on the lips. My eyes widened in shock and I hesitated before pulling him closer. I felt him open he mouth and poking my lips with his tongue. I smirked, oh no he's not dominating me! H gripped his arms and flipped our positions so he was underneath me. Soon enough I worked my tongue int his mouth. We hadn't kissed like this before and I can feel my stomach knotting at the sensation of his mouth. I pulled away, Yuya letting out a small whine. Smirking my lips made impact with his jaw before I pulled his shirt down, revealing his collar bone. I licked a spot before placing my mouth in it and began to suck. I want Yugo to know, Yuya is mine and he won't be taken from me. I could hear Yuya Moaning underneath me and feel his legs tense. When I pulled away, happy I made a deep mark. "You're mine Yuya," I said in his ear in a husky voice. "Yugo nor anyone else can touch you."

I saw as he blushed deeply. "That's why you were moody?" He asked. "You thought Yugo was going to take me away?" He suddenly started to laugh and wrapped his arms around my neck. "I already have my prince. I don't need anyone else." I felt my heart swell up. I was his prince. "So how about we get ready to go? You have nothing to worry about. Promise."

I nodded and gave him a small kiss before we got ready.

When we made it to the arena, Emi and Selena were in a practice duel. "With my two monsters I create the overlay network," Emi exclaimed. "I XYZ summon madolche Queen Tiramisu! Make way for her majesty."

XYZ summoning? I don't remember her using that during her exhibition. "My sister is cool
Huh?" Yuya laughed but then leaned into my ear. "You're cooler though."

I blushed and squeezed his hand. He's just too cute. "Well remember my Luna Light can't be destroyed by effects," Selena smirked.

Emi shuck a finger. "My queen isn't so evil to destroy people," she smirked. "But by using an overlay unit can I return as many cards from you field as I return madolche from graveyard, well the maximum is two but you see where this is heading."

Selena grunted as Emi did just that and with. A direct attack finished the game. Emi walked over to a knelt over Selena and offered a hand. "Well done," she laughed, "it was a ton of fun!"

Selena gave a small smile and grabbed Emi's hand standing back up.

"That was awesome," I grunted turning around to see Yugo with a large grin. He wrapped an arm around me and Yuya, getting in the middle of us, "Say think of you boys can give me a duel as awesome as that?"

I growled as I removed his arm. "Think I'll give one of the girls a game," I huffed. "They seem more of a challenge."

"Yuto," Yuya moaned.

"It's cool," Yugo smirked. "Come one Yuya me and you can play on field 3."

I watched as he walked Yuya to the field. I felt my blood boil. I hate Yugo so much but I have to remember what Yuya said. I'm his prince. "Want to duel?" I turned to see Yuzu smiling at me. She seems nice enough and as Yuya's best friend she seems like she'll look after him well. "If you don't mind."

"It's fine," I smiled. "It would be a pleasure."

"Also it will be a good way to hide your jealousy," she laughed with a wink. 

I blushed deeply. Guess I got caught out. I laughed too as we continued to the field. I have to just stay calm and remember that Yuya is mine. Push come to shove I can just "accidentally" pull Yuya's shirt down and show everyone his mark.

I turned to see Yuya waving at me. Yeah, I've got nothing to worry about.

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