Part 15

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Emi's POV

It's been a week since Yuya broke it off with Yuto. Every time his phone has rang, he threw it at the wall. There's too many dents to count on it by now. Fortunately today I've convinced him to leave the house. It's a small sigh of relief but he's not acting like his usual self. The Yuya That smiles and tries to make people smile brightly.

I've arranged for his friends to meet up at You Show, with Skip's permission that is. Skip and Yuzu have been there for our family since dad left nearly 8 years ago and Yuzu was like a sister to Yuya, Ray was my biggest support, when I broke down she would literally slap me out of it. I tell you, she has a right hook on her!

I gasped as I felt Yuya grab hold of my hand as we left the house. I smiled gripping it tightly. He's not held my hand in years, he must really be struggling. "Come on then," I encouraged pulling him along.

The walk was silent between us, but it felt nice. Honestly I've been a bit jealous since Yuya joined high school, he didn't need me as much. "Sis, can we see a movie later?" He asked me.

"Of course we can," I laughed playfully bumping into him. "Any movie you want."

He seemed to brighten up at that and we continued the topic of what movie to see. It filled the time until we made it to You Show. Yuzu immediately ran to Yuya, my grasp loosening as she held him tight. She started sprouting crap like, "who needs boys anyway," and "he was just a royal jerk."

The comments made Ray laugh as well as me. Yuzu and Gong soon dragged Yuya to the duelling field for a night royal. "You can do it Yuya," I cheered as I watched him Pendulum summoned his Odd Eyes. He seemed a bit more cheery at the moment, more like Yuya.

"You know," Ray began with a small smile. "I was worried that Yuzu would do something crazy to Yuto. After all she has had the biggest crush on Yuya for a while."

I nearly choked on my drink. "She what?" I yelled. "How did I-"

"Because I wanted Yuzu to be strong enough to admit her feelings," Ray explained wrapping an arm around me with a wink. "Like How Yuya should too." I was shocked and then the realisation hit me. Damnit why is she always right? I should be encouraging Yuya to talk about his feelings to Yuto, for closure if nothing else. "You know I'm right?"

I laughed pushing her away. "This time yes." I looked back up at Yuya as he coninuted to entertain the crowd. That means Suzuha and Skip but hey, a crowd is a crowd. "And now my Hip Hippo jumps into action!"

We all cheered as Yuya caused Yuzu and Gong's life points to zero. I think perhaps I can help him move on from Yuto. Smiling I know how To finally help Yuya move on.


"Goodnight guys," Yuya laughed as we left You Show. He stretched his arms out wide, a true Yuya smile was back. "That was fun today."

"Your duelling is getting better everyday," I said proudly.

We ideally chatted along as she walked along the river front. As we neared the end, Yuya stopped suddenly, looking down at the grassy patch, "Yuya?" The figure called. I looked closer, Yugo? What's he doing out late at night? And whose that green hair girl next to him? Yuya gave me a reassuring smile before going to meet Yugo, I followed behind, close enough so he was in my sight but not too close that it would make it awkward for him and Yugo to speak.

The girl came over to me, she bowed slightly, "I'm Rin, Yugo's assistant."

"I'm Emi," I greeted bowing back. The two of us sat near by so we could hear the conversation.

"So I heard about the whole Yuto thing," Yugo laughed nervously, "how you hanging on?" It was then I noticed Yuya's smile drop, Yugo panicked and wrapped an arm around him. "Hey it'll be alright. If Yuto couldn't tell you the truth from the start, he's not worth it."

"I-I know," Yuya weeped, I could feel my heart breaking for him. "That doesn't change my feelings for him though Yugo. He was special to me. The way he made me smile, how he made me feel

"Yuya," Yugo whispered in a husky voice. The whispered became lower and I struggled to hear them. All I could do was watch as Yuya stared into
Yugo's Eyes as he continued to talk.

Time flew by and soon, Yugo was bidding farewell to Yuya and I as we continued home. I looked down. Yuya's face nearly as red as his hair. "What did Yugo say?" I asked slightly annoyed knowing Yuya might not be completely honest.

He shuck his head and grabbed his chest. He whispered a simple
"Nothing," And we continued home in silence.

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