Part 19

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Yuya's POV

"We're here!" I cheered as You Show made its appearance at the Arc League. I'm so hyped its oozing out of me. I just wished I could have entered the building with Yuto but apparently him and the other princes have to enter a "special" way. I hate stupid rules!

I could hear Skip clapping to get our attention, "Now remember, you are all representing You Show this year once again," He began, "But my little Yuzu and Yuya will be participating in the senior division alongside Emi and Ray, while Nate, Fredrick and Allie will all now be joining the junior division. Good luck to you all and show everyone what duel-taining truly is!"

We all cheered raising our fists in the air. As we made our way to registration, me and Yuzu ideally chatted. "Is Selena entering?"

Yuzu nodded. "She got six consecutive wins in a day so was able to join," Yuzu blushed holding her hands to her chest. "I can't wait to see her skills in action again."

I giggle to myself, she almost sounds like me when I talk about Yuto. Speaking of I promise to call him before the entrance ceremony. I looked around seeing if anyone would notice I was gone, pretending to Yuzu I just needed the bathroom. I snuck into a single toilet, so I would have privacy before starting up the video chat. I have to see Yuto before it starts. It'll make my day. He quickly answered, I could tell he was in a hallway of some kind. I blushed, though not official again yet I wanted to treasure these times with him. "Hey," I greeted.

"Hey." He smiled back. "You ready for today?" I nodded. "I'm nervous, it's my first big tournament since I was a junior. I kind of hope I don't have to duel you today."

"Same," I laughed. "It would be nice if we made it to the finals together."

"I know," Yuto grinned. "I need to outdo Yuri and Yugo too!"

I laughed at how competitive he is with his brothers. It's cute how they have a rivalry going, I just wished that could get along more. Even though I'm not sure what Yuri is like. I watched as he mouthed "I love you" and I mouthed it back. I almost feel like I can do anything now. "Hey who you talking to?" I could hear then see Yugo on the other end of the call. "Ahh Yuya, you're here to support me, today right?"

"Oh, is that the infamous Yuya," I heard another voice laugh. The next thing I knew I could see Prince Yuri on the other side. "Oh, he's a cutie! No wonder you've gone all rebellious against father!"

"H-Hi," I stuttered giving a wave. Wait he called me infamous! Excuse me I'm famous around here. "I'm Yuya."

"Say, until Yuto sorts out his engagement why don't you and I have some fun?" Yuri winked causing me to blush.

That's when Yuto screamed at them and pushed them away from the screen. "Yuya, I'll have to go," He sighed. "Good luck for today."

"And you." With that we hung up. I held the phone to my chest with a smile. I'm so glad he's still making time for me and the sound of it he's started the process of moving forward with cancelling the engagement. "Oh Yuto." Suddenly my phone started to buzz rapidly. Everyone was trying to find me and they were next at the registration table. Oh no, I better get there no or else I can't compete!


I panted heavily as I made it to the table, everyone glaring daggers at me. Yuzu growled as she smacked my head with her paper fan. "Bad Yuya," She scolded. "All of us need to be here remember." I could hear snickering coming from Ray, Emi and Suzuha. I blushed deeply, I nearly missed by senior debut because I wanted to talk to Yuto. "Arg, come one and we'll finish up our registration!"

I hung my head low and followed the rest of the gang. We'd got a message earlier to say Gong and his dojo were all signed up and ready for the welcome parade. "Say, did you hear that Crow and Ryo are entering? Even Shay is too," Suzuha spoke up causing my sister to squeak.

"Yeah, something about being representations of their kingdoms," Ray concluded. "It's kind of awesome, huh?" Sweet, I haven't duelled them yet and from what I've seen they both have some serious skills. To be honest all the seniors this year have incredible records. Ray is on route to become a pro soon herself. Even expects her and Emi to make their debut together since they were childhood friends. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if they became a tag team at some point. " Say Emi, once we've finished here, let's get some treats for the kids before we start."

Emi nodded, "Sure, sounds like a good plan." She smiled brightly. "I know mom is bringing a picnic later on too so some treats will go nicely with it."

That's right, mom promised to make us all a large picnic for the half way point so we could stay energised through the day. I had her make me a couple extra rice balls so I can sneak off and give some to Yuto.

Once we were all registered we made our way to our parade spot. Each duel school is encouraged to take part in the duel parade, it's like free publicity so you don't really so no. "I'm so excited," Allie giggled as she and the younger kids stood in front.

"hopefully we'll encourage more people to join this year," Nate added.

"I'm getting goosepimples!" Fredick danced.

I took a deep breath as the schools started moving in one my one. Yuzu grabbed my hand and whispered good luck to me. I did the same back and we all walked in holding hands. I looked up, seeing mom and Suzuha cheering for us in the stands with cheesy banners making me laugh. We made it to our section, standing still I turn my gaze to the stage. Yuto was staring back at me. I laughed as suddenly Yugo jumped in front of him waving to me. Hesitantly I waved to him before the princes were ordered to get back in line.

The parade finished and the prince of the neutral kingdom, Prince Declan Akaba took to the podium. It was confirmed he wasn't taking part, rather spectating as the Arc system had been upgraded by the Akaba family company. "Welcome duellists," he began. "Today all of you stand here as legends ready to be born. This year will be slightly different as not only have residents of Paradise kingdom compete but all kingdoms will participate. Before me are the 3 Royal princes of Syncro, XYZ and Fusion. We hope today brings a new future and prospects for all. With that you may now enter your enter cards to your duel disks to discover your opponent."

I quickly inserted the card, I have someone named Silvio from the Neutral kingdom this morning. I heard Emi groan, "I'm not duelling until this evening!"  Ray was right after lunch, Yuzu was in my time bracket and the kids were all this morning too.

"With that I bid you all the best of luck," Declan bowed and walked off the stage.

The announcement rang as everyone duelling in the morning were ordered to find their fields. "Good luck Yuya," Yuzu hugged me tightly and I hugged back.

"Kick butt Yuzu."

With that, the arc league began.

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