Part 8

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Yuya's POV

It's been three days since Yuto left the house. I've sent him a couple of texts but nothing. I've been so stupid. I should have him from the start who I was. "Yuya," Emi's voice was soft as I felt her sit on the bed. "You have to get to school. "I tried to pull away from her. "Come on, I'll walk with you."

I looked up from under the covers and noticed the marks on her wrists. I gasped as he hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry i got you involved," I cried holding her tightly.

She let out a small hum and rubbed my back. "It's okay," she laughed, "Kids do stupid stuff. I should have looked after you more."

"You did more then enough," I mumbled letting her go. She kissed my head before letting me change.


The way to school was unadventurous. Emi and Suzuha joined me as Yuzu had to be in school early for her morning duties this week. All I could think however was how I missed Yuto. I wished he was here holding my hand, even though as a prince I guess that would be hard in public. I lifted my head up, what was the noise? It sounded almost like a bike, a motorbike? I looked behind us to see an incoming duel runner. I stood, frozen in fear and screamed. I'm about to die, I'm going to die before telling Yuto the truth. I held my hands over my face, after a couple of moments I noticed that I wasn't dead. I opened my eyes to see I was inches away from the owners face. "Sorry there," he laughed removing his helmet. I blushed, he had blue hair and a set of yellow bangs. He's kind of cute. "I'm Yugo."

Yugo? As in prince Yugo? "I'm y-" I was interrupted as Suzuha pushed passed me and ran to the duel runner.

"It's a DR6900," she squealed happily. Oh yeah, I forgot she was a trainee engineer in duel equipment. "May I look?"

She had a sparkle in her eyes as Yugo, seemingly scarred nodded and hopped off the runner. He turned to me offering a hand, "Sorry you are?" He laughed.

"I'm Yuya," I greeted taking his hand. I heard Emi cough. "And this is my sister, Emi."

"It's a pleasure," she bowed.

I smiled looking up at the near by clock. I gasped grabbing Emi's hand. "I'm sorry but we have to go," I yelled noticing that if I didn't hurry I was going to be late.

Without a care we left Suzuha at the duel runner. It wouldn't surprise me if she took it for a kick ride.

As I sat there in my math lesson I could feel the vibration of my phone in my pocket. It was going crazy with the non-stop vibrations. Taking the opportunity as the teacher turned to the board as snuck my phone into my lap. I felt my heart skip, it was Yuto. He finally texted me. I felt tears in my eyes as I ran each line of the lengthy text.

Yuka, well Yuya I guess. I'm sorry for the way I acted the other night. I should have let you explain and for that I'm sorry. If your willing to give me another chance, can we meet up tonight? I've come to realise, guy or girl you're you and I really like you regardless.

He still liked me? He likes me! "Yes," I cheered. The teacher coughed to encourage me to settle down. I laughed nervously as the rest of the class laughed at me.

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