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Yuya's POV

That night a waited patiently for Yuto to arrive. He had to deal with some private matters first then he'd make is way to our house. "Yuya calm down," my mum laughed as she continued to prepare dinner. In the end I told her about the whole situation and to my surprise she couldn't have been happier, other then the part I snuck out in girls clothes that is. "I'm sure Yuto -"

"I'm home," I heard Emi call out. "Yuya come help me with the groceries!"

I groaned getting out of my seat and to the hall way. "Thanks for helping Yuto," I heard Emi giggle. Yuto? My legs carried me as quick as they could to the front door. There he was, my Yuto. I wanted to reach out to him but I was a bit scared at first. Emi let out a small growl and pushed Yuto into me. "You kids better not make too much noise."

I could see Yuto blush deeply which made me laugh. I grabbed his hand and decided to take him up to my room. As we walked thought the door, Yuto must have lost his footing as he tripped, drilling holding into me and pulling me with him. Our bodies collided together on the floor, me on top of Yuto. I felt my face heat up and Yuto placed a hand on my back. "Sorry," he laughed. "For everything."

I shuck my head, "I'm sorry, for not correcting you." I apologies placing my head in the crook of his neck. "But why did you think I was a girl?"

Yuto blushed deeper. "I um, w-we'll when I fell on you the first time I thought I felt boobs, small boobs but well yeah," his words were scattered. I started to laugh uncontrollably. "It's not funny!"

"No it is," I tried to calm down. "I had sweets in my breast pockets that day. So I guess it makes sense." 

Yuto started to laugh himself. "What a stupid thing," he laughed. The two of us laughed for a little before we started to calm down and just stared at each other. We must have lost ourselves as Yuto and I clashed our lips together. The kiss was deep, but Yuto didn't seem to want to deepen it too much as when I opened my mouth he pulled away. Guess I was trying to go too far. I mean he did just accept me. "That was um-"

"Yeah, It was good," I whispered and cupped his cheek. "Thank you for forgiving me."

Yuto moved a hand and started to stroke my hair. I moaned against his touch. "I really like you," I sighed happily.

"I like you too," Yuto smiled.

After a couple of minutes we got up and moved to my bed, we leant up against the wall, Yuto's arm wrapped around me pulling me into his chest. It's actually happening, I'm living ever teenage girls dream, I'm dating a prince. If it wasn't for the Arc League tournament this year I would never had met him. "Wait," I suddenly realised. "We'll be competing against each other."

Yuto blinked in confusion. "I suppose we will," he smiled and grabbed my chin. "So is about a bet?"

"A bet?" I tilted my head.

He nodded and held me closer. "Who ever gets further in the tournament gets to have one request, of any type, fulfilled by the loser," he grinned. What could he be thinking? I felt my face heat up at the naughty thoughts in my head. "Well Yuya?"

I nodded accepting his challenge. He smirked leaning into another kiss. What have you done Yuya?

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