Part 25

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Yuto's POV

Why does my chest feel so heavy? I grunted, trying to get up but noticing a mop of green hair was in my way. Yuya. I honestly don't remember much of what happened last night. I remember shouting and screaming then things going blank. Yuya must have gotten me to my room. Although, this doesn't look like the room I was staying in. "Morning," Yuya mumbled looking up at me with a sleepy smile. "How do you feel?"

"I'm not sure," I laughed. "I guess a little sore."

"Okay, well they're serving breakfast soon," Yuya suddenly blushed, he seemed nervous about his next sentence. "Shall we take a bath together?" I felt my cheeks heat up. A bath? A bath with Yuya? I felt like I was going to have a nose bleed right then and there. "I'm only suggesting it because you're hurt and I can help you."

"You two shut up!" Shay yelled throwing a pillow at us. "Some of us want some extra sleep so just get in the bath!"

I forget sometimes that Shay isn't a morning person. I sighed, Yuya helping me up and I limped to the bathroom with my arm over his shoulders. I placed the lid of the toilet seat down and took a seat as Yuya started to run the bath. I keep trying to remember what happened last night. I want to ask Yuya but I don't think he's up to talking about it. "Want bubbles?" Yuya gave me his signature smile, so I couldn't resist.

Yuya hummed happily as he placed some on the bubble bath into the tub. He turned to me, a smaller smile on his face and a blush going with it. "How's your arm?" He asked.

"Hurts a bit," I responded, then I realised it. "Oh yeah, if you can help me undress that would be great." Timidly he reached his hands over to my Chest and started to unbutton my night shirt. I could see his hands shaking. "Yuya don't be embarrassed. Sooner or later, we were going to see each other naked. Guess it was sooner."

To my surprise, Yuya placed his legs over mine, one on each side and sat on my lap as he continued to undress me. The shaking had calm down and Yuya was able to slip my shirt over my shoulders. He ran a hand over the bandages before sliding his hand to the back to untie it. Why is he being so adorable right now? I felt a twinge in my head, what was that? I felt my heart rate increase as Yuya kissed one of my bruises on my shoulder. Bond! A voice in my head called. Bond to live! Something inside my snapped as I grabbed Yuya by his face roughly, kissing him deeply. Admittingly, I've been possessive of Yuya since we started to date but this time I felt like I needed him to survive. I felt him moan against my lips, so I took the chance, diving my tongue into his mouth. Yuya's arms wrapped around my neck, mine around his waist and we pulled each other closer. The warmth of his mouth felt amazing around my tongue and as his hands tugged on my hair I couldn't help but feel more excited. I pulled away, attaching my lips to his neck, "Y-Yuto," He moaned trying to pull me closer. As I continued to bit his neck I could feel something wet against my feet. Yuya gasped pushing me away realising the water had started to overflow. He got off my lap, quickly turning the off. I sat still, panting over the previous excitement. That feeling, were we about to go further? "Yuto, I've emptied the bath a bit, shall we get in now?" I gave a small nod, as I stood to remove my pants. I heard the water splash as I presumed Yuya got into the tub. I looked over, he was covering his chest with his left arm, holding out his right, "Come on."

I let out a small laugh. He looks angelic to me, the way the bubbles fit into the curves of his body. Slowly I lowered myself into the water, the temperature just right and settled in front of Yuya, my back towards him. "Are you okay to wash my back for me?" I asked blushing, luckily his can't see it.

After we finished bathing and were dressed we made our way to the eating hall. Yuzu immediately called us over to sit with her and Ray. "Good morning," Yuzu greeted as we sat down opposite.

"Is everything alright Yuto?" Ray asked me as she filled by glass with juice. "We heard about last night."

"I'm fine, please don't worry about it," I assured them. "But thank you for the concern Ray."

Ray nodded, handing a menu for me and Yuya to look through. I kind of don't feel hungry, after this morning I feel like I want something a bit different. "The mackerel looks good," Yuzu sighed in delight. "What about you sis?"

"I think the muffins look tasty," Ray said. "Maybe with some scrabbled egg. I bet you must eat things like this all the time. Huh Yuto?"

I thought for a moment, actually it's not far off, though I think I would rather be at Yuya's eating his mum's pancakes right now. Or Yuya himself. What is that voice? I held my head as I felt a slight tinge again. "You okay?" Yuya asked placing a hand on my leg. I nodded. "Try having something small okay?"

"Sure," I assured.

"Good morning," the chimed voices came from Crow and Yugo. "How you feeling?" Yugo asked taking a seat next to me.

"I've been better," I replied, then I noticed his distant look. "Are you okay?"

He nodded grabbing a menu. Why do I feel like he's ignoring the question? Yugo doesn't seem his usual cheery self today. Perhaps he's scared he might get attacked too? Or maybe he's worried about Yuri?

After we finished breakfast, we made our way to the hall again, only I made Yuya detour, telling Shay i needed the bathroom and pulled Yuya inside with me. I know as a teenager your hormones are meant to be crazy but I didn't expect anything like this. Currently now I have Yuya pinned to the stall, hands held up above his head with one hand as the other roamed underneath his shirt. "Y-yuto, we'll be late," he panted.

"I need more," What am I saying? Why am I saying this? "Yuya, be fine forever."

I looked him dead in the eyes, my mind blank as I saw his blush deepen. "Yuto," He started with a gulp. "I will be yours but.." But what? "After the Arc League, like we promised."

I let go of him with that said. Oh god, is it so bad I've forgotten about our promise? "I'm so sorry," I felt like I was going to cry. I pounced on Yuya without considering his feelings. All he did was smile and hugged me tightly. "I promise, I won't do this again."

Yuya nodded into my chest. How can someone so beautiful not be so angry I tried to taint him?

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