Part 14

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Yuya's POV

I stood in the middle of the door frame, Yuto bending down and kissing my lips again. He had been over to watch a movie, not like we actually watch it. We ended up lightly kissing each other mainly, small touches here and there. "Sorry I have to go early," Yuto sighed placing his forehead in mine. 

I shuck my head, "It's okay," I assumed holding his hand. "Mom says she wants to plan my birthday party anyway." I'm going to be 16 in just a week and a week after that will be the Arc League tournament. "You'll be there whatever we're doing right?"

"I wouldn't miss it," Yuto said before giving me one last kiss and leaving. I like him so much that when he leaves my chest tightens. Mom says it's normal for young love.  As I went to close the door I noticed Crow walking up. We were introduced when Yugo invited us to the duel arena. "Hey Crow."

"Hey bud," he waved, "Say is Emi in at the moment?"

I nodded and yelled from the bottom of the stairs for Sis to come to the door. With a yawn Emi made it to the door and smiled at crow, who blushed in return. Does Crow have a crush on my sister? "Hiya," she laughed pushing me out the way. "What's up?"

"Mind if we talk?" He asked in a mumble. "Preferably alone."

Emi nodded, pulling Crow inside. "Mom me and A friend are going upstairs!" She yelled as she lead Crow upstairs.

I snickered to myself. If crow is about to pour his heart of souls out I want to hear it. I sneakingly followed them to Emi's room, opening the door enough to hear but not enough to be noticed and sat just outside. "Say what do you know about the royal families?" Crow asked, not what I expected.

"Not a lot," Emi admitted. "Yuto doesn't really talk about his family. I mean to be honest Paradise Kingdom doesn't know who it's king is, even the neutral kingdom's king hides himself away!"

"Well then this will be a shock," Crow laughed. "So Yuto, Yugo and Yuri they're all brothers." Brothers? I gasped holding a mouth to my hand to muffle it. "And the Neutral King, he's their farther." What a scandal? But is that why Yuto didn't want Yugo to touch me? "Just hear me to the finish. It's true, I learnt a few years ago and well I'm worried for Yuya."

"But what's my brother got to do with his?" Emi asked, panic in her voice.

"Yuto is the oldest, meaning he's going to be forced into an arrangement marriage." Yuto married? No that can't be! It's not allowed. "I heard from Shay that Yuto has an arrangement marriage set up if he can't find a girl to marry by his seventh birthday."

"But he's already-"

"My point exactly," Crow interrupted. "I'm sorry but while I have to watch over you and Yuya, I can't watch over his heart. As his sister I wanted to tell you so you can be his emotional support."

"But why would Yuto date Yuya still?" It sounded like she had tears, I know I do.

"Wouldn't you want your first kiss, first touch first love be with someone you chose?" Crow explained and the tears ran down my cheeks faster. I felt so used.

I ran to my room, grabbing my phone and quickly dialling Yuto's number. I need answers and I need them now! "Hey Yuya. Miss me already," I heard him laugh.

"You're engaged," I said in a low voice. It wasn't a question it was a statement. "Don't deny it, I heard from Crow."

"Yuya please," I begged.

"No, before you break my heart I have to do this," I took deep raspy breathes before continuing. "It's over for us. You just carry on your royal duties and never see me again!"

It was silent over the phone. I'm having doubts about if I'm doing the right thing but I can't let him continue to use me. "Goodbye Prince Yuto." With that I hung up before he could change my mind.

I screamed as I threw my phone to the nearest wall. I let my body go limp and fall to floor. I, I stated to fall I love with him! I let the tears take over me as I realised I'll never see Yuto again.

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