Part 23

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Yuya's POV

Yuto was currently sat up against the wall on my bed. A few bandages covered his face, and his upper right arm covered also. I tried to get him to explain what happened but he said all he remembered was being challenged to a duel and then his mind went blank. "Thanks for coming to look for me," He smiled at me, stroking my cheek.

"Anytime," I cried. "I was so worried about you." I lunged into his chest, making him wince slightly before he embraced me in a tight hug.

"Okay, Yuya," My sister placed a hand on my back. "You take care of Yuto for the night."

"Where will you be sleeping?" Yuto asked.

"I'm swapping placing with Shay, so I'll be with Yugo and Crow for the night," I snickered a bit causing Emi to blush. "Shut it Yuya!"

Yuto laughed lightly too as Emi kissed both our foreheads, giving us a goodnight before leaving us with Shay. Shay smiled as he sat on the single bed opposite us. "Yuto, you were very lucky you were found today," He said sternly. "You know you cannot go off on your own anymore. I'm afraid, as per your mother, you'll have to stay by my side until the end of the Arc League."

My face dropped. No more private time with Yuto, Shay would have to follow him pretty much everywhere. "If that's what has to happen then I can't help it," Yuto laughed slightly as he rubbed my back. "Don't worry too much okay?"

"But you got seriously hurt!" I cried looking straight in his eyes.

"Yuya," Shay sighed. "I promise to keep you both safe." I nodded as Yuto repositioned me to sit next to him. "Say why don't we take our minds off things and watch some TV? Choose what you want I'm going to call Lulu and make sure she's doing okay back home."

Lulu and Rin were asked to go back to their respective kingdoms just before the Arc League started. It was a shame because they had both been able to qualify. Shay walked into the bathroom, his phone to his ear so I took the opportunity to kiss Yuto. I know we shouldn't, but I'm scared I'll never get to do this again. I pulled away, still crying. "Yuya it's okay," Yuto tried to assure me and he whipped away my tears. "Please don't cry."

"But I don't know what I would do if I lost you," I wept clinging onto him tighter. "Please, I don't want to lose you again!"

"Oh Yuya," Yuto laughed. "Everything is going to be fine. I promise that I won't leave Shay's side so he can continue to watch out for me and I'll check in with you after my duels tomorrow. Okay?"

I nodded, trying to regain some composure. "If you don't call me though I'll be mad!" I laughed.

He nodded cuddling me with one arm as he reached for his deck with the other. He arm swooped past me as he started to go through his cards. He shot up, forcing me out his way as he tried to make it to the door. "Yuto stop!" i cried grabbing him from behind. "Your injured you can't leave!"

"Dark Rebellion!" He growled. "It's gone!"

"What's going on?" Shay came back into the room, he threw his pone onto the bed, then whipped Yuto onto the sofa. "Calm down and tell me whats going on?"

Yuto didn't answer instead started to cry out. The wails didn't stop and i noticed by deck glowing again. It had to be Odd Eyes but seriously what's going on. I leant down to Yuto trying to pin him down. "What's going on Yuto? Stop it please," I begged as he continued to thrash. Whoever attacked him, they had his Dark Rebellion dragon.

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