Part 24

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Yugo's POV

No words can describe how I'm feeling right now. I'm on my hands and knees in my room, searching for Yuto's Dark Rebellion Dragon. Shay called me up asking if it was possible Yuto dropped it in the room. So far, I've had no luck. "It's not under his bed," Crow moaned sitting on the bed. I roped him in to help. I know how precious Yuto's dragon is it him. It's like mine and Yuri's dragons. We all
grew up with them, they defined who we were as Princes.

"I give up," I groaned flopping onto my stomach. "He must have dropped it outside when he went

"I'll tell Shay to inform the security," Crow said taking out his phone. I watched as he texted. He
looked different somehow. I can't put my finger on it.... "Okay, Shay says he'll even offer an award
out to the person who finds it. So that should prompt a response soon. Him and Yuya are currently
holding him to the bed."

To the bed, did losing Dark Rebellion affect him that much. You know what, I don't care! Yuto
always gets everything he wants. Father is even changing the marriage agreement so he can have Yuya. It's not fair! I hate it, Yuya should be with me. I was so close too. Honestly, at first, I wanted to
steal Yuya from Yuto but I noticed how he smiled and laughed. It's infectious and he's perfection but
there's another reason. He reminds me of a small boy I meet about 8 years ago. I was upset at this royal party and he came up to me. We duelled and I felt happy, like I was the only thing that mattered

to him. He even promised me when we were older he would marry me. I never saw that boy again, I looked but I didn't even get his name or where he was from. "Still no luck huh?" Emi asked coming out the bathroom. She was wearing a lose top and shorts, with her wet hair hanging loose. I shuck my head. "Then tomorrow, we need to watch all the duellist for Yuto's card."

"I get it," Crow snapped his fingers. "Maybe they didn't realise what the card was and snuck it into their deck."

Emi nodded as she took a seat next to him. "What you think about it, Yugo?" I let out a 'hmph' and turned my back on them. "Yugo, I know you guys don't get along but please, just try and care a bit."

"He wouldn't care if I lost my Clearwing," I mumbled hugging my pillow. Suddenly I felt the bed
drop. I presume Emi has sat on it as a soft hand patted my head. "Yuto gets anything he wants. Yuri's golden boy and well-"

"You feel forgotten about huh?" Emi sighed. "I know how you feel."

"Like heck, you have friends all around you," I sat up looking at her. She just sat their smiling. I
gasped as she leant forward, pulling me into a hug. Why? Why do I feel like crying? "Stop this."

"When was the last time someone asked you how you were Yugo?" She asked and now here they
come. The tears start pouring from my eyes and I bit my lip to hid back the cries. "When things
change and you feel you have nowhere to turn, you feel lost in your own world. Overwhelmed by
responsibility and then you snap. It's okay to cry, it's okay to be sad. Sometimes it's just as important

as smiling. You feel things for a person you think you can't get and you're in your brother's shadow."

She's right. So right. I gripped onto her and the tears continued to flow. I felt as she rubbed my back

lovingly like a mother, or a big sister would. "Why can't I be as good as Yuto?" I cried. "Why can't
Yuya have chosen me? Why does everyone care more about a stupid eggplant huh? When is someone
going to care about me?"

I was cooed like a baby, trying to be kept calm. Someone I've hardly known, knew my weak spots. I

pulled away after who knows how long. Emi smiled whipping away a couple of tears. "Take a bath

okay?" She gave a cheeky wink with a laugh. "Big sis' order."

Big sis? I nodded, grabbing a towel of the rack and entering the bathroom. "How did you know all

that?" I heard Crow ask.

"Because, when you're stuck in someone's shadow you feel forgotten about," She laughed lightly.

"Yuya was in a similar position when I was in the hospital. It became all about me and everyone sort of forgotten about him. He even snapped at me. I remember he cried for a week after we fought and it was then I realised, sometimes you need to cry. A smile doesn't solve everything. Yugo is in a similar position to what Yuya was then. Everyone's eyes are on Yuto and Yuri but Yugo is crying for someone to say. You okay?"

I placed a hand on my chest. Man, she is good. To think Yuya went through this too but she still stuck
by him after Yuya screamed at her. Know that I think about, even after all the fights we've had, Yuto
has always been there for me in some way. God I'm an idiot. "You'd make a good therapist," I heard Crow laugh.

"I'm a big sis for hire," Emi laughed. "Yugo, stop listening and get in that bath!"

Damn, she's good. Although the lack of running water is a dead giveaway. "Sure sis," I laughed.

As I let the bath water run I grabbed my phone and started to dial Yuya. The dial went off for a few seconds before he answered. "Hey Yuya," I sighed. "Is Yuto okay?"

"Oh hey Yugo." He answered back. "He knocked himself out pretty much and he's out like a light. I'll probably be joining him soon."

"I just wanted to make sure he's okay," I felt the need to explain myself for some reason. "He didn't hurt you, did he?"

"No, luckily Shay's strong and is able to hold him down," He explained. "Hey Yugo, I'm sorry about  the whole date thing." I felt my heart skip a beat. "Honestly, I don't know if was going to say yes but I feel I need to apologise about it."

"Yuya," I sighed happily. "Just be my friend okay?"

"Sure Yugo," I could tell Yuya was smiling and that made me smile in return. "Goodnight Yugo."

"Night Yuya." With that I hung up the phone. I feel a little bit better now. I still have feelings for

Yuya, probably always will but as long as he can be my friend, I'm happy.

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