Part 37

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Yuya's POV
There's nothing around, just Yuto and I. My hand was still gripped in Yuto's, I squeezed it to make sure I wasn't dreaming. "Are you okay Yuya?" I nodded. "Yugo and Yuri aren't here."

"Do not threat," We both jumped seeing a small version of Odd Eyes in front of us. "They're spirits are currently in the process of being reborn."

"Reborn?" I repeated tilting my head.

Odd Eyes nodded. "As a thank you, myself and the other dragons are going to fix this world and give you boys the lives you should have had."

"That we should have?" Yuto asked and again Odd Eyes nodded. "So, I won't be a prince?"

"No, you'll be a simple high schooler," Odd Eyes laughed. "Although..." Odd Eyes went quiet for a moment, as if trying to think of what to say. "I cannot guarantee they two of you will meet again."

I felt my heart break. I've dressed like a girl, gone through break ups, got back together gotten kidnapped and saved the world, isn't the least the universe could do is let me and Yuto me together? Tears started to stream down my face uncontrollably. I don't want that to happen. I left Yuto grab my shoulders and force me to look at him. "I don't want to lose you," I cried.

He started to wipe my tears away, a soft smile staying on his face. "I promised you, no matter what I would be with you," He said softly. "And I intend to keep that promise. Yuya, I vow in our next life I'll come find you."

I started to cry harder. "I love you," I cried.

"I love you too." He kissed me hard and I felt myself melt into it. It's like a dream.


Beep, beep, beep. I groaned, reaching my hand from underneath the covers and shutting my alarm off. It's Saturday, why do I have an alarm set again? Oh yeah! I threw my bed covers off me and ran for the bathroom. Today we're having an open house at You Show and we meet our new teacher. She's moving into the area with her son and dad offered her a job at the school, turns out they went to high school together but she left to become a teacher in Heartland.

After about half an hour I was ready. I looked over to my desk, my duel disk and deck lying ready for me. I smiled, noticing I left Odd eyes on top of the pile. "Yuya, we have to get going son," I heard dad call out. I laughed to myself, grabbing my gear. Time to meet the new guy.

When we got the school, I never knew how many people could fit into this building. I looked over see Ray with Crow waving over to us. "That's my cue," Sis laughed.

"You just want to be by your boyfriend," I mocked making Emi blush deeply.

She just ignored me, running away to her friends. "Yuya," I looked seeing Yugo waving to me with Yuri hanging off his arm. Those two seems to be glued at the hip. "What's up bud?"

"Ah nothing much," I shrugged. "Have you seen the new guy?"

They both shook their heads. "The new teacher is pretty hot though," Yugo laughed. Yuri glared at him making Yugo shut up instantly. "I'll be good."

"Ah there she is," Dad called out looking to a woman near Skip. She's tall, black hair with blonde bangs but who's the guy next to her. I felt dad place a hand on my shoulder, "Let's go welcome them, son." My heart began to pound the closure we got to them. The guy was a little taller than me, black spiked hair and purple bangs. This guy is pretty good looking. "Heba, how are you my old friend?"

"Why hello Yuu Sho," Heba laughed before giving a bow. "Thank you very much for giving me an opportunity here at your school."

"I wouldn't miss the chance to have one of the best teachers at my school," Dad said proudly. "Heba, this is my youngest, Yuya."

"Nice to meet you," I bowed.

"And you too," Heba smiled. "Yuya, this is my son Yuto. He'll be starting your school on Monday."

"I'll be in the year above," Yuto chuckled holding his hand out to me. "It's nice to meet you Yuya, though I feel we've met somewhere before."

I looked at his hand for a moment, feeling a blush appear on my face. I smile to him, taking his hand. "I kind of feel that way too."

"Well, here's to new beginnings." Yuto smiled widely.



And with this i officially end this story

It was a fun journey and thank you to everyone whose supported it

Im sorry the last two chapters werent as climatic as i orginally envisioned but i hope you enjoyed neither the less

Thank you all again and see you in the next adventure 💜

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