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Jimin felt those tears running on his cheeks. 2:47 a.m. His nostalgic memories kept on running in his mind. And Suga..

Jimin closed his eyes. He sighed and blew his nose. He decided to stop crying and called Seokjin. "Annyeong haseyo, hyung?" The call wasn't answered. He let a deep breath out.

Jimin lie down and wiped his wet cheeks. He turned off his music player that was programmed to play Spring Day on loop. He slowly fell asleep.

The next morning, "Shit." Jimin took his towel and rushed to take a quick shower. That day, he decided to wear his grey suit, white shirt, and silk tie. He wore his black pants, black belt and brown pair of leather shoes.

He brushed his teeth hurriedly and washed his face immediately. He combed his hair and looked at his beautiful reflection in the mirror for a while. He smiled and went out of the bathroom.

"Suga hyung!" Suga smirked, he knew that he surprised the kid by simply sat and waited in front of his bathroom. "What the-" Suga laughed as he saw the younger scratching his neck in confusion.

"Taehyung and Jungkook are in London. Seokjin and Namjoon are dating. Hoseok is sick, whatever, he's in the hospital. Who do you expect to pick you up, Jimin?" Suga kept on chuckling, while listening to the younger muttering curses under his breath when he was making his bed.

Jimin suddenly stopped. "Wait, so Tae followed Kook to London?" Suga nodded. "Yes. They sort of have a family problem. They will be back in like.. a month? And that means I'm the leader of basketball team, again. But, what other choice do I have?" Suga sighed deeply.

"Hoseok hyung? He's sick. What illness? Where is the hospital he-?" Suga interrupted, "You know that he has that skin problems right? Well, he's now in Japan and will probably go to China, too. So he might as well be back in a month." Jimin tried his best to smile.

But, unfortunately he failed. "Jiminie, don't hide anything from me." Jimin shook his head slowly while cleaning up his stuff and packed for school. "Jimin, tell me."

He exhaled heavily. "No, hyung. It's just some insomnia last night." Suga seemed so worry. "Please, take a lot of rest, Jimin. I'm worry that you'll get sick and yeah- You know the consequences, don't ya?" Jimin nodded. "I'll wait downstairs." The elder went out, but he came back and, "You know it feels like I've known you for 10 years, but we just met yesterday. It's weird, but this really makes me feel good, though." He cutely laughed and left.

"Does he even know that during the whole night I was thinking about him?" Jimin mumbled, when the elder left. He shut the lights off and closed his doors, leaving for school.

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