열 일곱

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"Oh." Jimin said shortly in disappointment. "I'll break 'em up. Soon." Jimin pleased with his eyes. "But when?" His eyes were questioning him. "Today and tomorrow, I don't want to make it obvious. I'll break some over chat." Jimin rolled his eyes as he sat in the car driven by Suga to the park.

"Jiminie, will you keep our promise when I'm gone?" Yoongi said, sobbing. "Hyung, do you really have to go? Please stay, stay here with me.." Jimin pleased the elder, crying harder as he hugged the elder.

"No, no, I won't leave you! Hey, remember that I'm always there." He pointed at Jimin's chest. "No matter how far I'll go, no matter how much distance make us apart, no matter how far the oceans separate us, I'll always be right here. With you. In your heart."

"I love you, Jimin. Grow up and be a good boy, alright?" Jimin stopped his sobs and wiped his tears. He tried his best to smile. "I love you too, hyung. Stay safe, don't forget me." Jimin hugged and released him. Even when he never wanted to. "Will never forget ya." Yoongi pecked his forehead and waved him a goodbye.

The airport was pretty crowded that day. But still the loneliness hit Jimin until his spine. His smile was fake. And that was the exact same thing happening to Yoongi. "Bye!" Yoongi ran to chase his parents. Jimin just stood right there, frozen.

"Jimin? We're at the park already." Suga said in his low, low voice. "You're daydreaming again." He coughed and bit his lower lip.

"Ah, old memories keep on coming back these days. I don't know how, but I keep on being nostalgic. Listening to nostalgic songs," he explained, breathed heavily. "Daydreaming about the old days. Having deja sometimes." Suga smiled at the younger. "Then, you'll be even more nostalgic here. Let's go!"

They went out of the car and rushed to the park. It was August, but autumn started on September. But they were lucky to see the dry, orange leaves, since it's almost autumn.

"Aahh, hyung! It's beautiful!" Jimin yelled at the empty park. Fallen golden leaves were spread out the road. Jimin laughed at how beautiful it was. And stopped at how nostalgic it was.

It was autumn. Definitely. The exact same park. Dry, yellowish golden leaves were all on the roads. The place was quiet. Little Jimin was all alone. And he pouted, crossing his arms. "Hyung did promise to come here with me! And yet he's not even here!" He said madly, kicking a pile of leaves.

He almost started to sob, until a pair of big hands closed his eyes. "Guess who's this!" The guy who surprised Jimin said.






"No, silly! You seriously don't know me?" The voice sounded really sad.

"No, just kidding! I know it's you, Yoongi hyung! I was joking!" Jimin said as he giggled and Yoongi released his hands.

"Aish, Jiminie.." Yoongi pinched the younger's nose. "Aw!" Jimin reacted, rubbing his nose gently.

"I got you a surprise!" Yoongi excitedly  exclaimed. "What?" Jimin curiously asked in the same excitement like Yoongi with his eyes widened. "This!"

Yoongi showed a beautiful handmade leaves crown. It was a crown made out of dried golden leaves arranged on dry tree branches. It was not expensive at all, but it was special, 'cause Yoongi made it all by his heart for his love.

"H-hyung, it's be-beautiful! Wow, I just- I. Oh, thank you!" Jimin was speechless, he hugged his hyung. Yoongi loosen the hug and grinned, putting the crown on his head. "For my prince, Jiminie." He bowed to the younger with honor.

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