서른 하나

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"Hey, baby.." Jimin rubbed his eyes. "H-hyungie?" Jimin gulped. Suga giggled,  poking Jimin's cheeks and pinched his nose. "Why do you have to be this cute? It's just morning, ah!" He groaned, pouted and crossed his arms.

"What did you just call me?" Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. "Silly baby boy. How could you not remember that I'm your boyfriend?" Suga pouted even worse. Jimin widened his eyes, couldn't believe about what was happening.

He didn't know what came into his crazy mind, but Jimin stood up and kissed Suga's pout away. Suga couldn't help, but grinned. The sunlight shined on Suga's smooth skin, made it glowing sweetly. "I love you."

"Damn!" Jimin woke up in annoyance, his face looked perplexed. "Baby, you alright?" Suga came out of the bathroom. Shirtless. Towel wrapped around his waist. "Ugh, yeah."

His heartbeat was racing madly. He bit his lips, blushing on the hyung's sexiness. The awkward silence was built between the two boys. "You know it's school day, right?"

"Fuck. I forgot." Jimin ran, taking his shirt off and tossed it to the floor. He took his uniform and put it on his bed. He grabbed his towel and rushed to the bathroom.

Unfortunately, he slipped on his shirt, and almost fell. But luckily, Suga caught him by his arms." Suga didn't sigh as Jimin expected to, but instead grinning widely to the young boy. "Careful, honey." Suga calmly said as he helped the boy stood up on his own legs.

"T-thank you." Jimin shuttered on his word, awkwardly scratching his ears and nervously laughed. His heartbeat echoed on the whole room, and he blamed the cliche drama scene.

Jimin just left the elder to the bathroom for a quick shower, his heart was filled by blooming flowers, butterflies were fluttering inside his stomach.

When it came to quick shower, let's get the point here, real quick and hurry shower, Jimin really was fast. He took his towel drying his body off, except for the hair, since he didn't even bother to wash them.

He wore his classic white long sleeved shirt and black shorts, matching his red beanies and brown Timberlands, he swore that only luck gave him a chance to take one of Jungkook's collection.

His eyes immediately moved to his own reflection in the mirror. He bit his lips and smiled in satisfaction of the littered hickeys on his pale neck. He just quickly took some of his favorite light pink Gucci lip gloss, and applied them thoroughly on his lips.

He walked out of the bathroom as cool as ever. "Nice choice." Suga complimented Jimin, that made the young boy blushed on just simple two words.

"You too." He cutely replied as he stared at the older boy. Suga wore his jean based shirt and black pair of pants paired with white socks and black sneakers. "Let's go, then."

"Sure thing, but breakfast?" Jimin arched his eyebrows. "I'll take you to McDonald's if you want to, baby?" Jimin just nodded as he grabbed his backpack and phone, fingers intertwined with Suga's big hands. They slammed the door- accidentally- and giggled, as they walked downstairs to go to their school by Suga's sport car.

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