서른 셋

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Jimin cutely covered his burning red cheeks on Suga's cheesy line. "Aw, that's sweet of you, hyung." He said, pressuring his intonation, arms crossing, a pout created on his baby lips. Suga laughed.

"Alright, alright." He said, poking Jimin's flustered cheeks teasingly. "Hyung!" Jimin squealed. Suga cackle even harder. Suga then pulled the break as he approached the school and parked his car on the parking lot area.

"Thanks for the ride, hyung." Jimin smiled. Suga sighed and nodded. They walked hand in hand, awkward silence surrounded them. "Hey!"

Taehyung and Jungkook appeared from nowhere, eyes bright full of joy. "Sup." Suga coolly answered Taehyung, while Jimin hugged Jungkook. "Hello, Kookie.."

"Sorry, I did not call you during the weekend, I was yeah, pretty busy.." Jimin scratched his neck. "Dating me." Suga mumbled, Jimin elbowed him, lucky no one could hear that.

"It's okay, actually I was also busy on a date with this little brat who kept on asking me to spoil him with food." Jungkook pinched Taehyung's arms. "Hey, I'm older! I can ask you anything, as a good wife you should.. Aw!" Jungkook elbowed him.

Jimin laughed at the cute couple, Suga just rolled his eyes attractively, hands pulling Jimin to his hug. "I can make you feel better than them." He whispered to the nervous younger, hot breath fanning him, arms gripping his small waist. Jimin bit his lips.

"Let me go.." He whined softly. Suga sighed again for what seemed like the hundredth time then pulled him to his class. Jimin just waved a goodbye to Taehyung and Jungkook who looked at him in a weird way.

"You shouldn't have do that on public! That's just- embarrassing!" Jimin frowned. He pulled his arm from Suga's grip and sprinted away to his class from the dim hallway.

Jimin stopped in his class, his breath was in a messy order, he almost lost it. He deeply inhaled and calmed himself down after running away from the elder. He bit his moist lips and brushed back his hair.

He thought incoherently about what Suga did earlier. He shook his head to move those thoughts away. Jimin walked to his seat and put his bag on the table. He rested his head on it.

The day went normal as usual. Just an ordinary school day with nothing special. The whole lessons were boring as ever, he got such nice scores for he was the class president.

Jimin sighed and rolled his eyes for millions of times, in boredom. He could not even focus to the teachers from those things messing his head up. He blamed Suga for his then heated feelings.

Jimin was pretty angry though. He had a headache and asked the teachers permission to go to the sick bay. Luckily the teachers let him so he grabbed his bag and went to the sick bay holding his sore head to the sick bay.

Jimin took the pills from the first aid kit, and lie down the damp bed he did not find comfy at all. But still, the pills shut his eyes and drifted him away to sleep.

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