열 아홉

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"H-hyung?" Jimin called the elder in confusion, who hurried to release the hug. "A-ah, shit!" Suga gulped. "What do you mean by that, hyung?" Jimin looked at the elder deeply, his eyes showed how puzzled he was.

"Fuck. L-let's just go home. I-I need to talk to Hoseok, music, I have not done my music collaboration! Yeah! I forgot!" Suga nervously laughed. And the only thing read from his eyes was fear. "Hyung! You haven't answered my question!"

"I'm sorry I can't." Suga mumbled pulling the younger's arm. But Jimin refused. "I want to stay here first." Jimin told him, coldly.

"B-but Ji-jiminie.." Suga shuttered again. "No. You need to finish your music. Leave." Jimin pushed him and walked away, leaving the two in awe.

Suga chose to go. He needed to break up with his boyfriends and girlfriends as he promised, and.. he needed to runaway. He wanted to go, because even though that was the right words, the power was too big, they weren't able yet to stand it. He knew it too well. Suga had no choice. He had to leave.

Jimin decided to sit on a small, old bench he used to sit with Yoongi. He didn't care, he cried. He was filled by dilemma. "E-eh, Seulgi noona?" He called her through phone.

"Hey! Jimin, you okay? Where are you, let me go there to comfort you.." Seulgi, of course, cared for his best friend that she saw often as a brother.

"I-I need you, help me. I'm in the park I used to go with Yoongi hyung.." He said, sadly, still sobbing. "Oh my gosh, what are you doing there? Okay, okay just stay calm first. I'll be there in 5, alright?" The phone call ended.

Jimin buried his face in his palm hands. He couldn't control it anymore. He missed Yoongi. He missed his coldness to everyone else, but him. He missed his pecks and kisses. He missed his warm hugs. He missed his sarcasm and jokes. He missed all the loves. "I'm dying without him.." He mumbled to himself, between the sobs.

"Jimin!" Seulgi somehow appeared out of nowhere with Moonbyul. "Hey,  Jiminie, nope, it's fine. Everything is okay.. Alright? Don't worry.." Seulgi tried to pacify the boy, who got sudden breakdown and panic attack.

"But he kissed me. He-he said he love me! He didn't answer my question, he left! I miss Yoongi hyung. If he's here, maybe he would, he would hug and pacify me! Yoo-yoongi..." Jimin sobbed even worse.

"Who kissed you, kid?" Seulgi asked the younger boy. "Suga hyung." Seulgi bit his lips. "Maybe it was an accident, maybe he didn't mean it. You know, sometimes people can make mistakes and bad decisions, right honey?"

"But the kiss was intense and deep! I-I don't know what to do! He said he love me, but he was scared to make me sure.." Jimin said, stressful. "And the worst thing is.. I already fell for him."

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